Wetlands progress
For the friends of Los Cerritos Wetlands, 2013 was a year of steady progress towards restoration and protection of our local wetlands.
It is finally looking as if comprehensive master planning for the SEADIP area will begin soon, and more and more wetlands habitat is being brought back to life.
Furthermore, thanks to our partnership with the Los Cerritos Wetlands Authority and Tidal Influence, hundreds of people have been able to experience the wetlands by attending one of our monthly nature walks, which we have now expanded to include kayak tours.
What’s more, the community has stepped up in an amazing way to help restore our wetlands and keep them clean. We are pleased to report that in 2013, over 865 volunteers removed approximately 1,400 pounds of trash from Los Cerritos Wetlands, and in its place planted over 1,800 native and wetlands specific plants.
Expanding on our urban outreach program, we now have an enduring partnership with Long Beach’s BE S.A.F.E. program, where, during the summer months, we bring kids from the neighborhoods around Admiral Kidd Park, Martin Luther King Park and Drake Park out to tour and learn about our local wetlands, as well as to learn about the native people who relied on these wetlands for their livelihoods.
All the while we are, and must remain, vigilant and ready to protect Los Cerritos Wetlands from whatever inappropriate developments we might encounter. For example we hear about yet another proposal to construct a large shopping center on the corner of Second Street and Pacific Coast Highway.
How will that affect the success of SEADIP updating we wonder? Stay tuned.
In 2014 we hope we will find out.
I urge you to help us continue to make the kind of progress we have been celebrating by making an end-of-the-year contribution to the Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust.
Contributions to our effort are tax deductible and help fund our important work of educating people about the value of our local wetlands as well as protecting the wetlands from exploitation and development.
It is easy to contribute via PayPal, which I hope you will do right now. Or, we would be delighted to receive a check from you, which you can send to: Los Cerritos Wetlands Land Trust, P.O. Box 30165, Long Beach, CA 90853.
Elizabeth Lambe
Executive Director
Los Cerritos
Wetlands Land Trust
No Substitutions
I noticed on the cafe menu
No substitutions in this venue.
I do not like those words so strong
It’s not that hard to get along.
He said it’s hard to calculate
The value of the change I make.
I said – no cheese – instead pickle
You can charge me an extra nickel.
Now this is not rocket science
For him to be in compliance.
To really frustrate Mister Pettus
I ordered a salad without lettuce.
Kenneth Korenthal
Seal Beach
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