Letters to the Editor: Thursday, Aug. 31, 2017

LA Fitness project arguments emotional on both sides

In the Letters to the Editor in the Aug. 24 edition of the Sun, a letter from Tom Pontac was very critical of the “emotionally charged arguments” of those opposed to the LA Fitness gym.

I found it quite interesting that he himself used many emotionally charged phrases in his letter, such as “emotional histrionics,” “bent on rejection at all costs,” “nothing was beyond bounds,” “unsavory tactics,” “use of the oppositions own young and innocent pre-adolescent children,” “it may not be child abuse but…” and “quite appalling” to name a few.

It’s clear that those opposed to the gym aren’t the only ones resorting to emotional tactics to make their points.

I also find it interesting that Mr. Pontac leaps to the conclusion that parents were writing speeches for their kids just because he saw them editing their speeches.

Maybe they were just tweaking their statements a little or maybe making minor revisions in light of what was stated by others previously?

Just because a child may appear to be rather young doesn’t mean they don’t have their own opinions and can’t articulate them mostly on their own.

Jumping to these conclusions just shows the bias of the letter writer.

Look, this is a very tough issue with valid objectives on all sides.  The landowners want the Shops at Rossmoor to be more profitable, the city can sure use the extra tax revenue, and LA Fitness would also like to improve their overall revenues as well.

On the other side, residents of Seal Beach and Rossmoor have valid concerns about noise, crime, traffic, and safety.  I don’t live in Rossmoor, nor do my kids walk to school in that development, but my wife and I drive them to school and we are familiar with the roads leading to the schools, their close proximity to the proposed gym site, and why safety could be a concern with many people rushing to get their workout in before heading to work and cutting through Rossmoor to do it.

By the way, all the weekday morning traffic to the gym will not enhance the overall revenues for the Shops at Rossmoor, since most are closed during that time.  Perhaps something like a small movie theater or family entertainment center would provide the desired evening and weekend foot traffic to increase revenues, while alleviating a lot of the concerns of nearby residents at the same time, with the exception of evening and weekend traffic.

I wonder if nearby residents would prefer those alternatives, because I figure eventually something will be built in that spot.

I also find it interesting that the vast majority of the vocal supporters I have heard about appear to be Leisure World residents.  These folks are mostly retired and don’t need to drive through that area during the busiest times like the rest of us, and are far enough away that they won’t suffer the other negative effects that people are complaining about.

If they don’t like the gym they already have, why not try to work with the governing bodies at Leisure World to improve their own gym, which would be more convenient for them, and reduce traffic on Seal Beach Boulevard by eliminating the extra cars traveling from there to the gym?

I understand that the folks at Leisure World were also lied to by the LA Fitness folks by making claims that this new proposed gym would be the only one that participates in the Silver Sneakers plan, which seems to be a major motivation for the support from that area.

Did they not get the memo that there are other gyms not that much further away that also participate?

David Kalish

Seal Beach


I respect the editor’s decision not to run a photo of Ms. Krueger along with the story, although I wish you would have. The story is of immense local interest and a photo to go with the name would be nice.

I cannot see it being disrespectful to run a photo; the opposite in fact, but an editor’s decision is their own so all I can do is offer my opinion. For all I know this was the family’s wish.

What I don’t respect is the Sun’s lack of proofreading!

Not only was her first name misrepresented in the article (Sarah Sarah Krueger) but she was named “Susan Krueger” in the caption. If I were her family I would be truly offended and saddened.

Debbie Fawcett


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