Letters to the Editor: Thursday, Aug. 11, 2011

Leave LW rabbits be

Phil Friedman’s article listed facts about the health dangers of rabbits.

With all that information, we humans should be smart enough to protect ourselves, for example using rubber gloves, if we handle dead rabbits with open sores on our hands, without having to kill helpless creatures who mean us no harm and were probably here before we were.

Can we not learn to live in harmony with animals that do not attack us and do not invade our homes?

I agree we need to remove coyotes (who might attack even more small pets without rabbits here) and rats and mice that invade our homes, do damage, and might bite us.

But rabbits? Watching a rabbit peacefully graze on grass, who skitters away when I approach add so much to the quality of my life: the feeling of peace, the joy of nature, the feeling we do not have to exterminate helpless creatures.

I too want to preserve our health, but why cannot we learn with all our knowledge, how to do that, while preserving the balance of nature, living carefully, healthfully and joyfully with rabbits, birds and squirrels?

Beverly Emus

Leisure World

Eco-terrorizing our selves

It is so nice to see that the Washington, DC spirit of creating job-killing regulations, nanny- state policing, and environmentalist nonsense is alive and well in the Seal Beach City Council.

Last I checked, we do not have a pollution problem in Seal Beach. What is Councilwoman Ellery Deaton prepared to do to find out about emissions from the DCOR boats? Will there be a Super Committee just like the one set up by the clowns in the US Congress?

If they do not meet some arbitrary pollution standards, will the Council create Seal Beach emissions standards to aid the California Air Resources Board, South Coast Air Quality Management District and Federal EPA regulations to further choke off business and therefore kill jobs?

Will they demand that a private company, DCOR, replace all their boats with enviro-friendly ones at the cost of millions of dollars and jobs, before they are allowed to use our pier?

While the Seal Beach Super Committee is at it, they can write the “operational guidelines” that Councilman Gary Miller calls for because “Oh mercy, the pier is shaking and heavens there are people jumping on and off boats!”

The guidelines can include rules as to when and where free people can jump.

Will jumping in place be the only acceptable form of jumping?

Or maybe the deadly practice of jumping can be banned altogether. Will skipping or leaping be acceptable?

I am sure the council is well-meaning, but bringing up this nonsense is further evidence of the mind set of all politicians at every level of government.

And it is this: business and “big” oil in particular, is evil and government must regulate it at every turn; every environmental regulation is good for us no matter the unintended consequences to job creation or the economy.

And the most damaging to our liberty; free people are free but only in instances when us politicians can be assured they only engage in activities that government deems  “good for them.”

Until politicians change this mind set, even in these trivial local matters, the US and California will continue to either destroy businesses or drive them to other states or worse, other countries.

Further, and most damaging, government will continue to infringe upon our liberties as Americans and justify it by proclaiming that they are only protecting us from ourselves.

Lorena Payetta

Seal Beach

Big week for Sunset Beach

On Thursday we will be having our day in superior court regarding the grass roots volunteer organization’s lawsuit that has temporarily halted Huntington Beach’s forcible annexation of Sunset Beach.

The issue of taxation without a vote and the conflicts in California law will be determined.

Then on Saturday Night, Aug. 13, the Citizens’ Association of Sunset Beach will be partying in traditional Sunset Beach Style at the “Hot Summer Night’s Fundraising Event” held at Meadowlark Golf Club.

This fun event includes heavy appetizers, dinner and dessert tower, great music, Casino script to play with and live and silent auctions along with prizes for “High Rollers.”

Cash, check and credit cards will be accepted for auction items.

Many unique items will be auctioned off including an Augusta Masters Finals VIP tickets for two with travel package, Sunset Beach memorabilia items including the last beach cruiser bought by our Station 3 volunteer firefighters, vintage neon adult beverage signs, 4 Angels Club tickets and parking, long board exotic wood  skateboard,

Sunset Beach grown and canned peach jam, many autographed sports and music legend’s items such as guitars, Disney parks tickets and lunch at Club 33, as well as many items donated by the community and local businesses.

Tickets for this memorable night event are a $50 donation or $60 at the door.

For Tickets please call (562) 592-9933.

All funds raised after costs will go to fund the legal battle and to keep the community informed of Sunset Beach’s future and rights. After the final outcome of the legal process, Sunset Beach’s future options will be determined and explored by the entire community.

Additional information about the event, membership and donation forms and court documents filed by all parties can be found on the CASB Web site: www.SaveSunsetBeach.org.

The CASB continues to welcome new members and donations.

The lawsuit has been funded solely by donations by concerned community members and Sunset Beach supporters.

Additional funds are needed for this legal battle on the issue of the right to vote.

The CASB lawsuit seeks to clarify conflicts in the law regarding Prop 218 and the “small island annexation” provision which expires in 2014.

This lawsuit regarding taxation without representation, freedom of self-determination, not only affects Sunset Beach but all of California.

Diana Dodson

Sunset Beach

Bunker mentality in Leisure World

Unfortunately, there exists a bunker “us versus them” mentality among the folks who have been running Leisure World for recent years. This is in part because they tend to stifle legitimate criticism or comments, forcing it to accumulate and then boil over in attacks that then bolster the “bunker down” behavior.

I believe that if there were more transparency in operations here, and more opportunity for constructive input, it would create a whole lot better situation all around. People would feel heard and appreciated, and management might just get some really good suggestions!

Philip Friedman

Seal Beach