Bike rider sorry for startling women
I live in Seal Beach and also work here. Two Sundays ago, in the morning, there were two ladies walking in the street and I was running late to work … (on my bike) … and unfortunately I rode by them fast and startled one of them. One of the ladies came to me and said how upset they were and I had no idea what I had done. It’s weighing deeply on my sonscience because I would never purposely do something like this and I feel horrible. I just want to publicly apologize.
Kerrie Bohunovsky
Seal Beach
A sad passing of Helen Bazzeni
Thanks for sending Kathy Major to cover a story on Helen Bazzeni, a Seal Beach resident of 74 years who celebrated her 100th birthday on March 24.
Sadly, Helen passed away at St. Mary Medical Center on April 17.
Special friends and many of St. Mary’s staff had taken Helen personally under their wings over several decades to look after her needs, and will take part in her Christian burial and celebration of her life.
In passing, Helen left a wonderful legacy and a generous gift to benefit the Bazzeni Wellness Center for Seniors at St. Mary Medical Center in Long Beach.
While Helen has passed this earth, she will remain in our hearts forever.
Linda Rahn
Director of Planned Giving
St. Mary Medical Center Foundation
Thanks to all who put on Community Expo
A huge thank you to the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce, the Golden Rain Foundation and all the staff and merchants who organized the Community Expo held in Leisure World April 18.
It was a wonderful event fostering better communications between the City of Seal Beach and us, the residents of Leisure World.
The Expo represented a tremendous amount of planning on the part of the S.B. Chamber, GRF foundation and the Leisure World Recreation Department.
The 50 or more merchants, services and businesses of our fair city were very generous in their donation of door prizes and raffle gifts. Our residents appreciated the displays.
Thanks to the Seal Beach-Leisure World Outreach Committee for putting this whole deal together. Approximately 2,500 people from our community attended and enjoyed the many exhibits. Many contacts and appointments were made.
We also hope this will become an annual event where people from the “outside’ come in to see that we are alive, active and awesome.
Here’s to a bigger, better Community Expo next year.
Ellen Brannigan
Leisure World
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