Letters to the Editor: published Thursday, July 7, 2022

Table courtesy of Rosemary Bach The table above compares swimming pool facilities and pool use rates in various communities.

Editor’s note: The following letter was sent to all five members to the Seal Beach City Council. A copy was sent to the Sun. Since it was written, the author reported receiving a response from Seal Beach Marine Safety Chief Joe Bailey, but not from her elected representative. The Sun has emailed her council representative and offered him an opportunity to reply.

Losing trust in city government

Below is the question that I had at the City Council meeting on Monday night. I am so sorry YOU had technical difficulties. I tried multiple devices and I am an IT professional so I know the problem was not emanating from my end. Other people reported audio/access issues during the prior meeting. I was one of them and could not access that meeting. Should you plan to continue running remote council meetings, the community requires full transparency and access.

In addition, I am very disappointed that Mike Varipapa and Joe Kalmick whom I directly asked for support did not speak up when polled during the meeting. They fully knew my concerns and knew why I wanted to speak.

In addition, all council members received the email from Patti Haney providing comparative statistics from other local pools to show why the rate increase is unwarranted. See the spreadsheet attached to this email. (The table appears on page 7.) You can imagine my dismay.

Here is my question:

How did you determine the rate increase for the Seal Beach Swim Club usage of the McGaugh pool?

Based upon the club’s extensive research, the rates are completely out of alignment with the fees charged in other areas to their local clubs. Given the 57 year history of the club and the strong partnership with Seal Beach, some adjustment MUST be made.

It is not fair to penalize the club and ultimately Seal Beach residents who will have to absorb this in the form of increased dues.

I am fully supporting the club this summer even though my son is enrolled in Junior Guards and on a basketball team. This program is vital to our community and deserves fair consideration. No one wants a handout. We just ask for fairness.

Better responsiveness from our city would also be appreciated!

I am beginning to lose my trust in our city government. Please prove me wrong. Please respond to myself and the SBSC via email ASAP.

SBSC has spent countless hours on this matter and at the very least we deserve a full and complete response.


Rosemary Bach

There were two Saints Isidore

Thank you for the long article about the history of St. Isidore Church, now a Historical site, written by David Young.

However, I do want to make a correction.

There are two Saints Isidore: of Seville who was a bishop and scholar, born in Seville in 560; and of Madrid a farmworker, born in Madrid Spain in 1079. Isidore of Madrid is also known as Isidore the Farmer, or Isidore the Laborer.

He is noted for his devotion to prayer, tradition holding that an angel would complete his work in the fields while he was deep in prayer. It is this humble St. Isidore who as patron of farmers was chosen as namesake for the Catholic Church serving the farmers and workers of early Los Alamitos.

Thank you for the opportunity to correct this misinformation.

Renée Lloyd