Where’s the Leisure World pool and spa?
Leisure World Beach Beach, a senior community of 9,000 residents established in 1962 has been without a swimming pool and spa since November 4, 2019.
Various excuses have been given over the past 16 months but little to no work has been done to construct a new pool.
Los Alamitos High School began construction of a new pool complex in September 2019.
Then in November 2020 the Sun News reported:
Pandemic notwithstanding, the $9.2 million facility, built with bond funding, was completed on time, came in on budget and is designed to facilitate events for the next 60 years. Sun Nov 5 2020
This was a much larger project than Leisure World and yet it has been completed.
The Pandemic has been given as one excuse there is no pool in Leisure World. It was estimated in November 2020 that Leisure World pool permits would be completed by January 15, 2021, excavation complete on January 23rd and installation of steel completed on February 19th. Still waiting for permits is the latest excuse.
This is how the Leisure World pool site looks today. There are lots of excuses and no pool.
Leisure World residents are fed up and beginning to demand accountability for this fiasco. Excuses are not acceptable. Residents need answers … and a pool.
Anne Walshe
Governance and Aqua Blues Committee
Leisure World
Jr lifeguards
Way back in ’75 (I believe ), I was in the Junior Lifeguards. There were 16 of us, and so it’s great to see that program still exists. It was also the first time I learned CPR, and I was only 14. After that class I went on to Junior Coastguard. Such great memories of Seal!
Patrice Murphy
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