An inspiration
Many thanks for the article re PoundWishes (“Seal Beach girl’s charity for injured animals,” Sun Newspapers, Thursday, Nov. 6). Mackenzi Taylor and her family are an inspiration to all. The level of compassion shown by this awesome girl and her dedication to the cause is heartfelt. We should all be proud of this marvelous family!
J. Richardson
San Clemente
Coyotes—the humanitarian solution
It seems like everyone living in Seal Beach has their own ideas about what to do about the coyotes. The city decided to put out humane traps to catch the coyotes. But there is one thing to address the concern that people who don’t want to euthanize the coyotes caught in the traps.
How about the local animal care center who keeps a list of names of people who want a dog or cat? Have an “Adopt a Coyote Family” list. People who don’t want to have the coyotes euthanized can put their names on the list. That way, when a coyote is captured in a trap these caring people can volunteer to adopt a coyote and his family. They can be moved to the back yards of these caring people where they can keep their eyes on the coyotes and feed them. This seems to be the perfect solution. Hopefully, these adoptive “parents” won’t have pets of their own.
Kathy Cunningham
Seal Beach
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