Evil humans
Wow! I just finished reading Ms. Demello’s opinion on the DWP Property, and the “evils” committed against Mother Earth by “we humans.”
Firstly, by we humans, she means—you humans. She derides the property owners for the prospect that they would endeavor to profit by their development efforts.
It always strikes me as funny, when someone, or a group of someones insist that “others” should be encouraged or en(forced) to use their land, or resources for the good of our community/humanity and earth.
Is Ms. Demello offering to donate her property to these same causes?
Is she, or others that feel that this property should be used for windmills and/or solar panels offering to buy the property from the current owners and donate it to this worthy cause?
Or, as Ms. Demello suggests, the city should en(force) these humans to turn over their land to this cause.
It is always convenient for those that “have theirs” to suggest that “others” should relinquish what they’ve worked hard to attain to the salvation of the planet.
Who should we assign as the arbiter of who, and when property should be confiscated for use by the state?
These concepts were attempted in the earlier part of the last century—in Communist Russia. As hunger and strife beset the country, the concept of communal/state land ownership and distribution of resources was deemed a failure.
Why there are those today that continue to believe (including our president), that we’re smarter today and can more effectively manage the distribution of wealth and resources by the state, or some “czar” is mind boggling.
There is no country on the planet that is more conscientious of the care, and effective use of our natural resources, than the United States of America.
Our United States Of America’s Constitution is clear that: no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, and property, without due process of law, nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation (Amendment V). This principle has served us well since the founding of our great country. And by us, I mean you, me, and Mother Earth.
But for those who wish to use their “personal” resources to voluntarily help with this communal effort, I am happy to facilitate their good will.
I will be at the base of the pier (next to the Seal plaque) on Saturday morning to collect house titles, and financial donations, from all who wish to donate to the purchase of the DWP property, and the razing of properties throughout the city for our new wind farm.
Earick Ward
Seal Beach
Coyote Conflicts
The beautiful College Park West neighborhood in Seal Beach has been having ongoing conflicts with coyotes, especially in the rear yards of homes that back up to Edison Park.
This morning, May 22nd, a resident reported yet another incident and saved his dog from a coyote in his backyard.
“The city recognizes that this is a serious problem, and is taking steps to address it”, said Seal Beach City Manager David Carmany.
A neighborhood meeting was held on May 1st; approximately 40 residents attended to express their concerns. Since that meeting, city volunteers have distributed educational flyers to all 322 homes in the neighborhood and also posted warning signs on every street light pole.
The city put up a banner at the entrance to the tract to alert residents.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, by making life for coyotes in your neighborhood more difficult, you will increase the likelihood that they will go somewhere else.
Any Seal Beach resident observing a coyote in the neighborhood is encouraged to phone the Animal Services Department at (562) 570-7387 to report the sighting or encounter.
For more information, please call: John Keisler, Animal Control Department. Office phone: (562) 570-3051
David Carmany,
Seal Beach City Manager
Support your local Sheriff’s Department
I was surprised to see the headline, “Rossmoor residents see gaps in policing” in the May 20 issue of the Sun.
My family has lived in Rossmoor for more than 35 years, and have had occasion to call the Orange County Sheriff’s Department about half a dozen times. We have always been positively impressed by the speed of the response, and by the professionalism of the Deputies responding.
I have not talked to another Rossmoor resident who had anything but good to say about the Sheriffs.
As I read the article, I saw that it referred to a “report on public safety issues” presented to the RCSD Directors at the May 11 Board meeting.
The reference to “Rossmoor residents” in the headline implies some resident involvement. This should be clarified. The residents, at least those I talk to, appreciate the presence and performance of the Deputies.
The RCSD Directors and general manager found themselves on the opposite side, from the sheriffs, of the Rossmoor incorporation campaign.
One hopes this report is not just a reflection of continued resentment of the part the deputies played in supporting the residents in the election.
The report includes unsupported conclusions, and no data. The article states that one “issue” raised by the report is that the Deputies’ 3-month assignments are “not conducive to establishing a working relationship” with district staff.
If this is true, the problem doesn’t lie with the Sheriffs. The residents don’t have this problem. Another criticism is that the Sheriff’s shifts are “hardly long enough to establish a sense of community.” Is this a serious comment?
My family has had occasion to call the Sheriff for assistance at all hours, including 3 p.m. in the afternoon, and 3 a.m. in the morning. Response was within a few minutes on all occasions. I have listened at 1 a.m. in the morning, while a drunken neighbor called a pair of Deputies every filthy name in the book, and they never lost their cool. They have earned our respect and admiration.
Rossmoor residents are fortunate to be served by the Orange County Sheriff’s Department. One hopes the deputies don’t get the impression that the “report” reflects resident opinions.
Kenneth Brown