Letters to the Editor: Aug. 18, 2011

Reply to ‘nannystate’ letter

Lorena Payetta doesn’t want a “nannystate” and she says, “Last time I checked, we do not have a pollution problem in Seal Beach.”  (“Eco-terrorizing ourselves,” Letters to the Editor, Sun Newspapers, Thursday, Aug. 11.)

I’d like to ask, where and when she checked the FACTS of Seal Beach pollution.

Did she check with environmental scientists—you know, the guys with education who test air and water samples with microscopes and chemicals—or did she just see that the sky is blue, the leaf’s on the twig, and assume all’s well with the world?   Head-in-the-sand ideological posturing isn’t helpful.  I think more residents will support councilpersons who want to know and address pollution facts; and believe a clean environment, or cleaning up a dirty one, promotes business and jobs.

Jody Kay


Leisure World positives  outweigh negatives

I would like to thank the Sun News and it’s employees for their information on our great City of Seal Beach and our “Secret Community by the Sea” (Leisure World).

Although most of the published information has been about problems and disagreements within our gates, there are many things that I am thankful for.

My great neighbors, the least expensive units (near the ocean) that one can find in Orange County (approximately $59,000 to $400,000), free golf, summer concerts, six clubhouses, full gym, free Saturday night dances with live music, approximately 200 clubs, three manned security gates with roving patrols, exterior and some interior maintenance included, water, trash, gardening, cable TV included in our low association fees (approximately $300/mo. plus taxes), pool, spa, greenbelts, library(Friends of, too), Golden Age Foundation (free use of walkers, wheel and transport chairs, hospitality suite 9-11 a.m. weekdays), numerous volunteers that keep our mutual fees low, free manual car wash equipment with vacuum and air hoses, free bus transportation within LW and to local stores.

I am sure I have forgotten some things, but as you can see we are very fortunate to live in such a great community.

So although some things can be improved, the positives far out weigh the very few negatives that you may have read about.

Ron Nett

Leisure World