Letters to the Editor: April 1, 2010

Follow the money

The compelling letter by Enea Ostrich was a service to the community. Underlying her comments is the concern for money for parks and recreation.

She should ask her councilman where the Quimby Act funds from the Heron Point homes and other building in town is being used. Or will the city sit on the money for five years, unspent, and then give it back to the homeowners as they did to Leisure World? Yes, Ms. Ostrich, there is money for parks and recreation if you can stop the city from giving it away.

Bruce Stark

Seal Beach

Real cost of Fire Station #48

In last week’s article on the new Fire Station, the city manager was quoted as stating that “the project cost to date including change orders is $4,529,425.”

For the record, I think it is important for the public to know that this figure only refers to payments to the general contractor for the construction of the project.

It did not include the following additional costs that have been incurred to date:

Architectural Design $565,000; Construction Manager  $416,000; Temporary Station in Leisure World  $86,400; Bond Issuance Fees $98,000. If you also consider that the city will pay $1,427,700 in interest on its 15-year bond, the total cost to the taxpayers for the new station will be over $7.1 million dollars.

Robert L Goldberg

Seal Beach

Boiled frogs and rebuttal of remarks on Obama

There is an old management anecdote; “The Boiled Frog.”

The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death.

Mr. Goodrich takes umbrage with sidewalk interviewees referring to President Obama as a Socialist, and reminds us that he is in fact a Democrat.  The question; what is the distinction?

Where does Democrat (Liberalism) end, and Socialism begin?

I personally prefer to refer to our left-leaning friends as “Progressive Collectivists.”

Collectivists are those who believe that they, or some master planner working on their behalf are better suited to “redistribute” wealth(resources), to provide “social justice” to those less fortunate in our society.  During the campaign, our now president told “Joe the Plumber” that he would “spread the wealth.”

This week, as Democratic leaders rejoiced the passage of Healthcare Reform bill, Senator Max Baucus (D) stated: “Too often, much of late, the last couple three years the mal-distribution of income in America is gone up way too much, the wealthy are getting way, way too wealthy, and the middle income class is left behind.

“Wages have not kept up with increased income of the highest income in America. This legislation will have the effect of addressing that mal-distribution of income in America.”

Spread the wealth? Redistribute the mal-distribution of income?  I saw many of the president’s speeches on the (alleged) reform bills. I didn’t see where he sold the virtues of redistributing the mal-distribution of income bullet point.

In the early part of the 20th century, we used to have distinct Republican, Democrat and Socialist parties. Socialism and Communism were in vogue throughout the ’20s and ’30s.

Many travelers, who had visited Russia were embracing the ideals of collectivist economic and social models.  When violence and oppression began to take hold (as eventually always will) in the collectivist societies of Russia, Germany and Italy, Americans rightly turned sour on the Socialist model.  Did Socialist politicians disappear?

No. They renamed their efforts as Progressivism.  Today, the progressive movement is alive and well.  It is deeply entrenched in the bowels of the Democratic Party.  Under the guise of “social justice,” Progressives are efforting to make equal the disparities that exist  within the “free market.”

They’ve taken the concept of equal opportunity to represent equal result. If those less fortunate in America can’t (or won’t) succeed, don’t provide better opportunities, but provide the fruits of opportunity itself.

Since the beginning of last year, the Federal Government has taken over various industries, including; Banking, the Financial Sector, the Mortgage industry, 2 of our 3 Auto companies, and now Healthcare and Student loans.

They have indicated a (strong) desire to regulate “greenhouse gas emissions,” under the [false] argument of man-made Global Warming. What is the tipping point at which we will have the “authority” to call what is happening to our country Socialism?

Is President Obama a Socialist?  I don’t know, but I’m starting to feel a little warm.

Earick Ward

Seal Beach

College Park West in Seal Beach project on move

On Nov. 7, 2009, we had a community meeting in Edison Park to review various alternatives for improving the entrance/exit to College Park West.

The project is located at the “T” intersection of College Park Drive, Studebaker Road and the 22 Freeway westbound off ramp.

The city’s consultant, Willdan Engineering, has prepared a draft traffic study and intersection improvement exhibits which incorporated the Nov. 7, 2009 community meeting comments.

A copy of the draft traffic study is available at the Mary Wilson Library and the City Clerk’s office.

This report will be reviewed by the City Council at the April 12, 2010 City Council meeting which will be held at 7 p.m., City Hall, Seal Beach.  Everyone is welcome to attend this meeting to hear a report about the proposed improvements.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact City Engineer Michael Ho at (562) 431-2527, extension 1322.

David Carmany

City Manager

Forward by Charles Cohen

College Park Correspondent