Letter to the Editor: Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015

Help the Seal Beach Library with its history program

The Seal Beach Mary Wilson Friends of the Library is planning an October program that includes the history of Seal Beach’s libraries over the years.

It will include a dramatization depicting the life of the head librarian for many years, Mary Wilson, who passed away in 1973. We have some of the official records of her service to the community and would like to include personal comments, pictures and memorabilia from people who have stories to tell about her or our first libraries.

The program is designed to fit in with Seal Beach’s 100th Anniversary Celebration and in addition to Mary Wilson’s life story will present the history of Seal Beach libraries that existed before the new Seal Beach Library and Senior Center was completed in 1978.

This information can help present a living picture of the past and be included in the program. The directors of the program will appreciate your help in gathering this information.

If you have information please drop it off at the Library for the Mary Wilson Library History Committee. You can also send a letter describing what you would like to contribute to Esther Cummings or Tom Blackman at 707 Electric Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740. Thank you.

Tom Blackman,


Seal Beach Friends

of the Library


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