Putting a contentious issue to rest, at least temporarily, Leisure World officials have canceled plans to reconfigure a major thoroughfare from four lanes to two, expand its median and make other modifications.
At its April 6 meeting, the gated community’s Physical Property Committee decided that budget constraints made the proposed changes to St. Andrew’s Drive unfeasible for now, though it may be revisited at a later date.
Previously approved and budgeted improvements to the street will proceed as planned. The Golden Rain Foundation, which manages Leisure World, suggested the changes to improve traffic flow and safety, and ensure easy access for emergency and oversized vehicles.
The proposal, prepared by traffic consulting firm Urban Crossroads, also called for removing trees and parking spaces, key issues in community of nearly 9,000 people.
Many Leisure World residents were vocal in their opposition to the project, questioning its need and cost.
They gathered around 1,500 signatures denouncing the project, wrote letters and attended meetings en masse, and picketed outside the April 6 meeting before the decision was made.