A land swap between CRC Oil and the Los Cerritos Wetlands Authority has been approved, according to a recent email from District One Supervisor Joe Kalmick.
He expected the matter to come before the Wetlands Authority Board today, March 7.
The agenda for the March 7 Los Cerritos Wetlands Authority meeting, mentioned only a closed session to discuss “the Draft Appraisal Report and the Draft Land Transfer Agreement, and related items, between Los Cerritos Wetlands Authority and Los Cerritos Wetlands, LLC”.
Another item on the March 7 agenda was “Consideration of a resolution authorizing the Executive Officer, or designee, to negotiate and award enter one or more contracts for project management, tribal engagement, public engagement, and pre-construction, construction, and post-construction monitoring of the Southern Los Cerritos Wetlands Restoration Project.”
The meeting will be held in the conference room of the Conservation Corps of Long Beach, at 340 Nieto Ave., in Long Beach.