LAEF’s Queen Helps with Enrichment Institute

LAEF Queen, Dr. Sherry Kropp handing out materials to Connor Gonzalez during LAEF’s drive-thru class kit pick-up service on June 4. Courtesy photo

It is a tradition that LAEF’s Royals visit the Summer Enrichment Institute (SEI) each year. Instead of a Royal Visit to one of our classrooms this year, LAEF’s reigning Queen, retired superintendent Dr. Sherry Kropp, made a visit to the LAEF offices last week to help distribute packets of materials to families who are taking one of LAEF’s virtual classes. LAEF provided a drive-thru service last week and our Queen happily stepped in to help. The families were very excited to have a Royal hand delivering materials them!

“It was so much fun to see so many families,” said Kropp about her time supporting Virtual SEI class kit distribution.

LAEF’s first session of virtual SEI began on Monday, June 8 with over 20 classes running. Session 2 will begin on June 22 and run through July 2. Fun and academic enrichment class offerings are available to students in grades TK-8. Registration for Session 2 closes on June 14. To register for classes and view flyers please visit

Dr. Sherry Kropp was crowned in February at LAEF’s Royal Gala and will reign until the next Royals are crowned in February 2021. Dr. Sherry Kropp was appointed by the LAEF Board due to her strong ties to LAEF and the community, and her endless support of Los Al kids. The Royal Gala benefits the LAEF STEAM initiative and the grand total raised was nearly $135,000. The funds were raised through business sponsorships, silent auction, live auction, online auction, donations and more.

LAEF is the non-profit partner of Los Alamitos Unified School District. LAEF enhances educational excellence by providing after-school and summer enrichment programs to children in grades Pre-K to 12. LAEF provides significant funding for STEAM teachers and instruction, as well as igniting new programs and providing valuable resources, to impact all students. For more information, visit or call 562-799-4700 Extension 80424 today.