LAEF (Los Alamitos Education Foundation) was excited to play a part in the 2nd Annual “Griffriends” event at Los Alamitos High School on Friday, June 2.
This event, launched last year, pairs members of the Los Alamitos High School Football team with students with special needs in grades K-12 in several friendly softball games. LAEF and the Los Alamitos/Seal Beach Rotary Club seeded funds so that the event can continue for many years to come.
LAEF’s President Sean Payne, along with Dave Appling of the Rotary Club, presented a check to LAHS Football Coach Ray Fenton, LAHS Principal Brandon Martinez and Assistant Principal Heidi Olshan for $4,400. Generous sponsors of this event included the Los Alamitos/Seal Beach Rotary Club and its members, Barry Binder of Remax Realty, and LAEF’s contributors. LAEF will continue to match donations for a total of $3,000, and donations from Rotary members continue to come in.
Griffriends is the creation of Coach Ray Fenton who strives to instill the qualities of strong character in his players on and off the football field.
The children enjoyed participating in all aspects of a softball game that included batting, throwing and cheering on teammates, while the LAHS football players cheered and supported them through the various phases of the game. All participants received custom-designed Griffriends t-shirts, snacks, drinks and a new Los Al friend for life. Lunch was provided to all participants and players.
LAEF is the non-profit partner of Los Alamitos Unified School District.
LAEF enhances educational excellence by providing after-school and summer enrichment programs to children in grades Pre-K to 12. LAEF impacts all students by providing significant funding for STEAM teachers and instruction, as well as igniting new programs and providing valuable resources. For more information, call 562-799-4700 Ext. 80424 or email info@LAEF4kids.org today!