Juniors from Girl Scout Troop 2966 recently completed their Bronze Award. The girls worked with the Seal Beach City Council to obtain support and approval to plant 130 California native plants at Windsurf Park at 1st Street in Seal Beach. The Girl Scouts met with City Manager Jill Ingram, Recreation Manager Tim Kelsey, Maintenance Services Supervisor and City Arborist Joe Talarico, Mayor Mike Varipapa, and Council member Ellery Deaton to propose their Bronze Award Project to attract pollinators, such as bees and butterflies.
The girls researched and determined the best plants to use, which included: desert lavender, California lilac, coyote mint, monkeyflower, deerweed, red buckwheat, and Cleveland sage. The troop raised money for their project by selling Girl Scout products including nuts and cookies along with a giant yard sale. The girls also received support and donations from the City of Seal Beach employees. The project culminated with a Take Action Planting Day on Sunday, March 4th at Windsurf Park. Girl Scouts of all ages from Daisies to Cadettes along with Jill Ingram, Tim Kelsey, and Joe Talarico planted 130 California native plants. Afterwards they enjoyed a picnic lunch together. The Girl Scouts received awards at the City Council Meeting on Monday, April 26th. Girl Scout Troop 2966 would like to thank City Manager Jill Ingram, Mayor Mike Varipapa, Councilmember Ellery Deaton, Recreation Manager Tim Kelsey, and Maintenance Services Supervisor and City Arborist Joe Talarico and the many Girl Scouts and their parents who made this day possible.