It was banana palms, straw fedoras and colorful pineapple trees swaying to a traditional Cuban beat. Dozens of supporters came to sip fruit laden drinks and partake in Cuban salsa and treats.
This year Jim Klisanin of Seal Beach is the campaign chair and he will lead the campaign with the fortitude of a coach and the determination of a winning team. Every year the campaign chair comes up with our slogan, this year Campaign Chair Klisanin’s slogan is “Who told you, you can’t do that?” to which The Youth Center says “Not us, we think you can do anything!”
The Youth Center’s big event will be ‘A Night in Old Havana’ on March 7, dinner, live music, dancing, cocktails and silent auction. Old Ranch Country Club will be transformed into a paradise as cigars, fedoras and Cuban guitars will mingle among the palms.
You may see signs of support around town as fundraiser participating businesses have posted signs around their locations letting you know they support The Youth Center and hope that you will too.
For more information about The Youth Center or to buy tickets for the event visit TheYouthCenter.org.