Electric vehicle owners organize

We see a lot of the “Flintstone” looking, electric vehicles zipping around Old Town Seal Beach.

The environment-friendly, locally driven “cars” have grown in popularity. It must have been just a matter of time before the owners of the modern-day gadgets would organize in some way.

Scott Levitt, whose law office is situated in the heart Old Town, on Seal Beach’s Main Street, is the first one out of the block.

“We have organized a little group in Seal Beach of neighborhood electric vehicles,” said Levitt, who happens to be the son of Seal Beach Mayor Mike Levitt.

Levitt said membership in the group is growing and that they plan to enter the next Seal Beach Christmas Parade and deck out their vehicles with different type of trappings.

Meanwhile, Levitt is hoping to see the club grow.

“Everyone is invited to join,” he said. “There are three basic types of carts: the Ford Think, Chrysler Gem, and then the modified golf carts some people have.”

Levitt said the environmental aspect of the vehicles is not lot on the group.

“They are all plug-in and there is no gas involved.”

Levitt said it is also important for owners of neighborhood electric vehicles to come together for some political clout.

“There is a bit of political angle in that the recent additions of the triangle shaped landscaping detail to Main Street has taken away several places where these vehicles used to be able to park,” he said. “We are hoping to get a couple of spaces in Old Town, on Main Street for parking these environmentally correct carts.

Levitt said the electric charging station in the Main Street parking lot doesn’t plug into these carts.

“These carts are simple 110V plug-ins,” he said.

To find out more about the club, visit the web site: https://www.facebook.com/groups/223109131125918/.

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