
One reason our country is so divided is because each group believes their unique issue makes them worthy of being placed ahead of other groups when it comes to recognition and donations. Whether the group focuses on race, religion, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation or any of the many worthwhile causes (such as medical research for diseases like cancer, heart and AIDS), they are all important. They all deserve to raise awareness and support for people to understand the historical aspects as well as current events.

With so many worthwhile organizations and causes, it is dispiriting that the Seal Beach Police Department determines which group/cause deserves a patch. In June, Seal Beach Police Department members are wearing a patch for Pride Month.

The fact is that there are dozens of very worthy organizations and causes that need to raise awareness and support!

Rather than Seal Beach Police Department members wearing a patch in June for the pride community, what about wearing a patch to raise awareness and support for the entire Seal Beach community? We are all Americans and all of us are proud of who we are and where we are from.

In fact, Seal Beach businesses that have window decals with “Black Lives” should also consider replacing with a decal that reads “Human Lives.” 

In the last few months, the United States has witnessed a frightening rise in attacks on Asians, Jews and Christians. Will these Seal Beach businesses now add decals for “Asian Lives,” “Jewish Lives” and “Christian Lives?” Their store and restaurant windows would be covered with decals, which is why “Human Lives” seems much better.

People visit our beautiful Seal Beach because of our wonderful sights, our diverse boutiques and restaurants and to meet with our wonderful residents. Let’s value everyone in Seal Beach and all the worthy organizations and good causes that need awareness and support.


Bibi Mesmer

President Seal Beach Republican Women Federated