Deaton elected mayor

Mayor Ellery Deaton represents District One (Old Town and Surfside) on the City Council. File photo

Councilwoman Ellery Deaton, who represents Old Town, was unanimously elected Seal Beach mayor Monday, Dec. 9. Upon her election, Deaton took the gavel from Gary Miller, the mayor for past year, and banged the gavel three times as she beamed.

Miller nominated Council Michael Levitt in an apparent gesture of goodwill to his predecessor as mayor.

City Attorney Quinn Barrow said the rules said the council would vote on the first nominee first.

Deaton was the first council member to be nominated for the office.

Councilman David Sloan was unanimously elected mayor pro tem.

Sloan, Deaton, Councilman Michael Levitt and College Park East resident Patty Campbell all thanked Miller for his service to the community, particularly his work in fighting the Orange County Transportation Agency’s proposal to put toll roads on the 405 Freeway.

Twice during the evening, Miller said Levitt also deserved credit for fighting against the toll road option.