Curves of Seal Beach hosts food drive throughout March

Until Wednesday, March 31, Curves of Seal Beach will collect non-perishable items and monetary donations for food banks in the local area.

The goal, according to Charlene Coleman of Curves of Seal Beach, is for the community to come together to help families in need.

“At the core of our business is the message that women are stronger when they rally together, and that is the point we hope to bring home with our food drive,” Coleman said.

“We want to show our community just how powerful the generosity of our members can be,” she said.

Even though donating food to families in need is supposed to be its own reward, the club is offering incentives for potential members who participate.

According to Coleman, new members can enroll for $0 when donating a bag of groceries or make a minimum donation of $30 during the month of March.

Coleman said that as part of this effort, Curves of Seal Beach will be participating in a company-wide contest for the most food drive donations collected by Curves locations across the nation.

Winners will collectively donate millions of pounds of food to feed the hungry.

“We hope women in the Seal Beach area will come together and participate in this initiative,” Coleman said.

“Even if you’re not thinking about joining a gym, you can still drop off your donations. There are so many families—right here in our own community—who need help,” Coleman said.

For more information about Curves of Seal Beach, located at 1190 Pacific Coast Hwy., and the Curves Food Drive, contact Staff at 562-594-8300 or