A man entered a Seal Bach resident’s back yard Sunday, Nov. 11, and began pounding on the building.
It turned out that he may have been under the influence, for he was arrested for public drunkenness.
The incident started at about 8:54 p.m., when a citizen noticed a man in the yard of the citizen’s Electric Avenue home and called the police department to report it.
Then the man began pounding on the building as if he was trying to get in.
The citizen was home with her husband, who was sick.
She said the motion light was on in the back yard.
She told police that the suspect had something in his hand, possibly a flashlight.
Police contacted and detained a suspect at Caravel and Corsair. The suspect was identified in the field and arrested for public drunkenness.
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Crime Log Compiled
by Charles M. Kelly
Monday, November 5
Vehicle Burglary—7:15 a.m.—Montecito Road—The crime appraently occured between 6 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 4, and the time of the call to police.
Point of entry: unknown. Loss: a school bag and other items. Report taken.
Transient—8:35 a.m.—Ocean Avenue—The caller said a man was sleeping against the wall on the beach.
Police unit 241 advised the man in question to leave and he told police he would comply.
Grand Theft Report—9:22 a.m.—Lampson Avenue—A resident’s wallet containing $1,000 was reportedly taken.
A man was arrested for burglary.
Grand Theft Report—3:07 p.m.—Ocean Avenue—The caller said someone stole a black carbon fiber road bike valued at $5,000-6,000 sometime in the last month. Report taken.
Grand Theft Report—8:05 p.m.—Pelorus Avenue—Police took a report of the possible theft of jewelry. Report taken.
Tuesday, November 6
Extra Patrol Checks Requested—8:22 a.m.—Crystal Cove Way—The caller said someone threw paint on her driveway.
She wanted an officer to take a look at it.
She said she was unable to wash it off. The caller had just put an election sign in her yard and she did not know if it was related. She also requested extra patrol checks in the area.
It turned out no one put paint on her driveway. Police unit 107 advised the woman regarding bird droppings.
Fireworks—11:32 a.m.—Adolfo Lopez Drive—The caller reported hearing something that sounded like fireworks to the back of the play yard area for the dogs at the Seal Beach Animal Care Center.
The caller saw a white truck drive away and asked for the area to be checked.
Counseling—12:30 p.m.—Regatta Way—The caller sold tickets to another individual, who then cancelled the payment. Report taken.
Counterfeit Money—12:58 p.m.—Westminster Avenue—A man gave the caller a fake $50 bill in exchange for change.
The caller declined filing a report, but requested extra patrol checks. Log entry.
Suspicious Person—3:13 p.m.—Westminster Avenue—The caller said a woman was walking back and forth between two locations.
The caller said the woman kept getting into cars with men and then going behind the building.
Annoying Phone Calls—3:26 p.m.—Camelia Street—A citizen reported receiving phone calls from a construction company several times a day, asking if the citizen needed service done.
The citizen has repeatedly declined the need for their services. Report taken.
Suspicious Person—4:17 p.m.—Westminster Avenue and Seal Beach Boulevad—The caller said a man was inside the fence line on the north side of the street.
The man was seen walking the perimeter. Police unit M7 advised a Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station guard of the call.
Patrol Check—5:16 p.m.—Candleberry Avenue—The caller said a man was riding a moped up and down the street.
The caller said the vehicle was loud and not street legal.
Wednesday, November 7
Illegal Peddler—11:31 a.m.—Seal Beach Boulevard—The caller said a man was walking between vehicles and asking women for money.
Police contacted an individual in front of a business and determined no further police services were necessary.
Fish and Game—3:51 p.m.—Pacific Coast Highway and the San Gabriel River—A California Fish and Game unit contacted a man at the fishing hole who turned out to be wanted on a $50,000 domestic violence warrant out of the Los Angeles Sherrif’s Department.
The man had four other warrants out from various Los Angeles County agencies. Arrested.
Dead Skunk—4:08 p.m.—Pacific Coast Highway and Bolsa—The caller reported a large, dead skunk in the southbound traffic lanes.
The caller said vehicles are almost colliding with one another as motorists tried to avoid hitting the body. Referred to Long Beach Animal Care Services.
Petty Theft Report—5:32 p.m.—Pacific Coast Highway—The caller said two juveniles stole $14 worth of alcohol.
The caller did not see any weapons. They were last seen on foot, headed toward Bolsa. No report desired.
Animal Noise—7:40 p.m.—Marvista Avenue—The caller said there was a continuing issue with a neighbor’s dog barking.
The residents appeared to be home.
When police unit 207 arrived, there were no dogs barking at the house or in the area.
The officer was in front of the address for approximately five minutes.
The officer determined no further police services were necessary.
Thursday, November 8
Welfare Check—9:08 a.m.—4-5 Freeway and Seal Beach Boulevard—The caller, relaying second-hand information, said a woman was walking in the plant area off Seal Beach Boulevard coming over the 405 Freeway.
A second caller reported that the woman might be drunk, as she could not walk a straight line. Police unit 141 contacted a woman at Old Ranch and Seal Beach Boulevard. She was not drunk. She was waiting for a bus. Field interview.
Water Problem—9:58 a.m.—13th Street—The caller said there was water in the alley, possibly from a broken water line in a residence. Water wa coming out of two sides and no one was home.
However, police unit 107 was unable to locate anything but rain puddles.
Fraud—2:08 a.m.—1st Street—Someone tried to open several accounts using the caller’s information.
So far, $300 had been charged to one of the caller’s accounts. Report taken.
DUI—9:13 p.m.—Pacific Coast Highway and Seal Beach Boulevard—The caller said the driver of a car was passed out at the wheel.
The caller knocked on the window.
The other driver apparently woke up and drove northbound.
The other driver swerved all over the road. Still, the caller continued to follow. At 9:15 p.m., the other driver was moving slowly in traffic. The caller turned his emergency flashers on as the driver stopped. The other driver was once again passed out behind the wheel.
Long Beach Fire Department dispatched a paramedic team. By 9:43 p.m., the driver had a ride coming to pick him up. Assisted.
Friday, November 9
Suspicious Person—4:40 a.m.—Westminster Avenue and Bolsa Chica—The caller said an individual was riding a bike against the flow of traffic while wearing a dark hoodie.
Municipal Code Violation—9:45 a.m.—5th Street—The caller said a man was going through the trash in the alley.
Traffic Hazard—10:57 a.m.—405 Freeway and Seal Beach Boulevard—The caller said a small red vehicle was blocking traffic.
The vehicle was moved.
Hazard—1:56 p.m.—405 Freeway and Seal Beach Boulevard—The caller said a CalTrans sign was falling over. he sign was locaed in the secured construction area on the bridge and police were unable to gain access. As it turned out, CalTrans was already aware. Referred.
Vehicle Burglary—3:22 p.m.—Lampson Avenue—Someone smashed the window of a country club member’s car. Report taken.
Saturday, November 10
Suspicioius Person—2:41 a.m.—Dolphin and Seal—The caller said three individuals, possibly drunk, were in the middle of the street and smoking something.
Pedestrian Check—8:18 p.m.—Blsa Avenue—Police unit 207 contacted juveniles on skateboards by the swimming pool.
It turned out their parents were present. The parents had just seen their daughters in a play at the school. No further policee services were necessary.
Sunday, November 11
Disturbance—1:40 p.m.—Lampson Avenue—The caller said two men were flying a large remote control helicopter.
At 1:41 p.m., the caller said they had just refueled the helicopter and were flying it again.
Police unit 142 advised them that the municipal code does not allow the operation of radio controlled aircraft in that area. They said they would comply.
Monday, November 12
Suspicious Vehicle—6:09 a.m.—Harrisburg Road and Weatherby Road—A vehicle was reported up on the curb with the stop sign down. No one was around the vehicle.
Tuesday, November 13
Burglary Report—8:26 a.m.—Davenport Road.
Illegal Peddling—12:04 p.m.—Martha Ann Drive and Bostonian Drive—The caller said a man was going door-to-door, soliciting construction work.
Wednesday, November 14
Fraud Report—12:09 p.m.—Davenport Road.
Suspicious Person or Circumstances—1:16 p.m.—Martha Ann Drive—The caller said a man was between the wall and the freeway with a camera and a telephoto lens, photographing houses.
The caller said he was on foot.
Saturday, November 10
Suspicioius Person—2:41 a.m.—Dolphin and Seal—The caller said three individuals, possibly drunk, were in the middle of the street and smoking something.
Pedestrian Check—8:18 p.m.—Blsa Avenue—Police unit 207 contacted juveniles on skateboards by the swimming pool. It turned out their parents were present. The parents had just seen their daughters in a play at the school. No further police services were necessary.
Sunday, November 11
Disturbance—1:40 p.m.—Lampson Avenue—The caller said two men were flying a large remote controlled helicopter. At 1:41 p.m., the caller said they had just refueled the helicopter and were flying it again. Police unit 142 advised them that the municipal code does not allow the operation of radio controlled aircraft in that area. They said they would comply.
Thursday, November 15
Suspicious Vehicle—4:23 p.m.—Cerritos Avenue—The caller said four individuals in a charcoal grey Toyota in the parking lot were passing around a cup. The caller thought they looked suspicious. Patrol was unable to locate the individuals.
Wednesday, November 14
Counseling—4:20 p.m.—Walnut Street—The caller said that she was having verbal disputes with her neighbor over parking in front of their house. Patrol contacted the caller, who lived near the neighbor’s residence. The caller was advised to call the police about parking issues and not confront the individuals involved.
Wednesday, November 14
Suspicious Person—8:55 p.m.—Walnut Street—The caller reported that two male individuals were soliciting, but became argumentative when the caller refused. The caller had sight of the individuals and reported that a patrol car had just passed them. The individuals then ran south into the alley and patrol was unable to locate them.
Monday, November 12
Suspicious Person—12:32 p.m.—Reagan Street—The caller said a man had been walking around in circles and yelling at himself for the past 30 minutes. At the time of the call, the man was in the middle of the street. Patrol contacted an individual who checked out OK.
Friday, November 9
Disturbance, Noise—5:36 p.m.—Ranger Drive—The caller said an unspecified number of individuals next to his residence were working on an off-road vehicle. The caller said they had it idling in the side yard and were running it up and down the street. Patrol advised them against disturbing the neighborhood and they agreed to comply.
Monday, November 12
Suspicious Vehicle—6:09 a.m.—Harrisburg Road and Weatherby Road—A vehicle was reported up on the curb with the stop sign down. No one was around the vehicle.
Tuesday, November 13
Burglary Report—8:26 a.m.—Davenport Road.
Illegal Peddling—12:04 p.m.—Martha Ann Drive and Bostonian Drive—The caller said a man was going door-to-door, soliciting construction work.
Wednesday, November 14
Assist Outside Agency—11:34 a.m.—Druid Lane—Orange County Fire Authority was en route to respond to an emergency call. However, an OCFA dispatcher was unable to understand what a woman had said.
Fraud Report—12:09 p.m.—Davenport Road.
Suspicious Person or Circumstances—1:16 p.m.—Martha Ann Drive—The caller said a man was between the wall and the freeway with a camera and a telephoto lens, photographing houses. The caller said he was on foot.
Suspicious Person or Circumstances—5:04 p.m.—Yellowtail Drive—The caller said a man was walking up the street. The caller did not believe he lived in the area.
Suspicious Person or Circumstances—7:45 p.m.—Bradbury Road—The caller said a man had been walking around the area for awhile, pushing a cart.
Thursday, November 15
Suspicious Person or Circumstances—7:07 p.m.—Martha Ann Drive.
Friday, November 16
Traffic Stop—9:31 a.m.—Bradbury Road and Montecito Road.
Ted Apodaca of the News-Enterprise contributed to this article.