Crime Log: OCSD investigating Rossmoor residential burglaries

A Rossmoor home was burglarized last week. This was the second residential burglary in the normally quiet area in recent weeks, according to Sgt. Robert Gunzel of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.

The latest burglary was reported on Tigertail Drive at 9:31 a.m., Monday, March 7.

“There was a residential burglary on Tigertail where the suspect entered through a rear window. The loss on that case was home electronics,” Gunzel said.

Sheriff’s personnel dusted for fingerprints and collected DNA samples.

The victim called the Sheriff’s Department at 11:21 p.m. to  report seeing someone looking through her window.

Deputies apparently checked the area, but were unable to locate anything or anyone suspicious.

Gunzel said deputies took a report on that incident. However, Gunzel said the investigator assigned to the Tigertail burglary case hadn’t had a chance to read the report yet.

It seems the investigator was working another Rossmoor residential burglary. Gunzel said the investigator had identified a suspect in the other case and hoped to make an arrest soon.

“As you have seen, the community has gone from being pretty quiet to being busy within a two-week period,” Gunzel said.

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Crime Log Assembled by Charles M. Kelly

The crimes listed in the Sun Newspapers were reported to Seal Beach Police Department, Los Alamitos Police Department and Orange County Sheriff Department between Feb. 28 and March 12, 2011. Only street names are used; times given are reported times, not incident times.

Crime Log entries are based on preliminary information. Space limitations make it impossible to publish every incident. Until proven guilty in a court of law, all suspects are considered innocent.


Monday, February 28

Assist Other Agency—7:47 a.m.—Main Street—A woman fell on the sidewalk in front of a business. The log said she may have broken her arm. The Orange County Fire Authority was en route. The woman was transported to another location. Report taken.

Warrant Service—1:22 p.m.—Dogwood Avenue—A woman was arrested at the request of her parole agent. The parole agent had reason to believe the woman was at the location on Dogwood Avenue. She was. Police unit 106 contacted the parole agent. The woman was arrested for violating her parole.

Tuesday, March 1

Suspicious Occupied Vehicle—12:08 a.m.—Candleberry Avenue and Aster Street—Police unit 241 while on service found a man sleeping in a car.

The man said he had been visiting his mother, who worked as a home healthcare provider at another location. The man was interviewed in the field.

Suspicious Circumstances—12:30 a.m.—Aster Street—The caller heard a side gate open.

The caller thought someone might be inside her back yard. Police unit 241 checked and determined there was no further need for police services. The caller requested extra patrol checks through the night.

Truant Juveniles—9:59 a.m.—Ironwood Avenue—The caller’s two daughters refused to wake up for school. Police provided counseling.

Traffic Hazard—8:03 p.m.—Pacific Coast Highway—The caller said a man was staggering in the road, attempting to hitch a ride.

The caller, a motorist, almost hit the man.

Police unit 241 contacted two individuals. One was arrested for public drunkenness.

Thursday, March 3

Transient—8:48 a.m.—Ocean Avenue—The caller said a transient older couple was living in the bathroom at the location. They were apparently gone by the time police unit 107 arrived.

Welfare Check—10:04 a.m.—Pacific Coast Highway—The caller said a dog was in a car with the windows apparently rolled up. The log said there was a bad connection with the caller. Police unit 107 checked.

The dog appeared to be OK. Police were unable to locate the registered owner of the vehicle. Police unit 107 kept up extra patrol checks.

Counseling—12:11 p.m.—Fir Avenue—The caller said someone took all the trash from her trash cans. However, Thursday was not her trash day.

She was counseled.

Coyote—5:57 p.m.—1st Street—The caller reported a coyote on the beach, running toward the Seal Beach Pier. Information given to Long Beach Animal Care Services.

Suspicious Circumstances—8:46 a.m.—Electric Avenue and Seal Beach Boulevard—The caller said a big rig truck was present. The caller thought the people responsible for the big rig might possibly be planning to steal equipment from the location.

Police unit 206 checked. It turned out the big rig was there to drop off equipment.

Friday, March 4

Burglary Report—6:58 p.m.—1st Street—A necklace was missing from the residence. No suspect information. The necklace was valued at $200.

Saturday, March 5

DUI—2:35 a.m.—Pacific Coast Highway—The caller said a woman and two men were verbally abusive toward the caller. The caller said the woman appeared to be drunk. The three apparently left in a car. Police unit 207 contacted the vehicle. The woman was arrested for DUI.

Burglary Report—10:05 a.m.—15th Street—Loss: a laptop computer valued at $1,000. The crime apparently occurred between noon and 3 p.m., Thursday, March 3.

Disturbance—8:28 p.m.—13th Street—The caller said a man that the caller described as a transient was knocking on doors, asking for a blanket or money. The caller reportedly asked the man to leave.

The man apparently refused. Police arrested him for disturbing the peace.


Monday, February 28

Burglary Report—12:47 p.m.—Del Monte Drive, Mutual Unknown—The caller said a purse and its contents had been stolen from a Leisure World resident’s home sometime during the night.


Thursday, March 3

Suspicious Occupied Vehicle—12:33 p.m.—Fenley Drive and Kaylor Avenue—The caller said a man who was described as either white or Hispanic had been in a parked vehicle for over an hour.

He turned out to be from the school district and had pulled over to talk on his phone so that he would not violate traffic safety laws.

Lost Property—12:58 p.m.—Langley Drive—The caller lost a signed check and deposit slip while on a bike ride to the store.

Check for Permit—6:19 p.m.—Cerritos Avenue—The caller’s vehicle was hit by a flying soccer ball. The caller stopped her vehicle and began arguing with the coach.

One of the parents of the kids became verbally abusive toward the caller, using obscenities.

The caller asked officers to make sure the soccer organizers had proper permits to practice at the location.

Friday, March 4

Transient—7:31 a.m.—Ball Road and Flood Control—The caller said a transient had set up camp with a shopping cart on the south side of Ball Road. An individual was arrested.

Illegal Parked Vehicle—multiple calls starting at 1:23 p.m.—The caller asked police to tow a vehicle blocking the driveway to his business. Responding officers found the car intruding by about an inch and not impeding traffic flow. No citation was issued.

Counseling—2:35 p.m.—Los Alamitos Boulevard—The caller reported that two women were in front of the business, holding signs about the boss and speaking loudly.  The dispatcher advised the caller was advised by dispatcher regarding the women’s rights. The caller still wanted to speak with an officer.

Saturday, March 5

Disturbance—1:25 p.m.—Kempton Drive—The caller was upset that two black Labrador dogs are running unleashed in the park, possibly threatening children. The owner was contacted and advised of leash laws. The dog owner promised to comply.

Family Disturbance—4:12 p.m.—Green Avenue—The caller could hear a man, a woman  and kids yelling for the past 10 minutes, things possibly being thrown. Responding officers found a verbal dispute between a mother and daughter over homework. They were counseled.

Sunday, March 6

Traffic Stop—1:57 a.m.—Cerritos Avenue—A man and woman were arrested on outstanding warrants.

Tuesday, March 8

Disturbance—3:05 p.m.—Cherry Street—An individual was inside the caller’s car. He was not allowed to be in the car. The individual was the caller’s daughter’s boyfriend. The caller’s husband was a police officer and was outside the car speaking with the individual. The husband was armed. The boyfriend was yelling at the husband. The boyfriend reportedly tried to take the caller’s car. The boyfriend was advised about his behavior.


Monday, March 7

Burglary Report—1:26 p.m.—Montecito Road—A deputy took a report concerning a vehicle burglary. No further details were available.

Disturbance—5:54 p.m.—Kenilworth Drive—This turned out to be a dispute between a homeowner and a “nanny.” The nanny agreed to leave the residence. As far as law enforcement was concerned, this was a civil matter.

Disturbance, Music or Party—8:40 p.m.—Shakespeare Drive and Wembley Road—A caller complained about a party at a private residence with cars blocking the street. The partygoers agreed to move the cars. People began to leave.

Tuesday, March 8

Suspicious Person in Vehicle—3:22 p.m.—Druid Lane and Foster Road—A deputy determined the “suspicious” individuals in a vehicle were in fact contractors who were working in the area.

Suspicious Person in Vehicle—10:27 p.m.—Hedwig Road and Davenport Road—A deputy noted nothing suspicious. No report was necessary.

Thursday, March 10

Identity Theft—3:06 p.m.—Wallingsford Road—A deputy took an information report about a “possible” mail theft. No further information was available.

Suspicious Person or Circumstances—10:28 p.m.—Pemberton Road—A caller complained about four people reportedly standing near a car.

A deputy detained the four individuals and found drugs in their possession.  Three of the individuals were released and one was arrested.

Saturday, March 12

Suspicious Person or Circumstances—7:35 a.m.—Weatherby Road—A vehicle was towed. No further details were available.


Monday, March 7

Municipal Code Violations—1:55 a.m.—Anderson Street and Pacific Coast Highway—An individual was found driving his vehicle on the beach. Citation issued.

Tuesday, March 8

Suspicious Person in Vehicle—2:20: a.m.—18th Street—An individual was found living in his motor home. He was  warned about an ordinance prohibiting people from living in vehicles.

Thursday, March 10

Burglary Report—9:17 a.m.—Pacific Avenue—A deputy took a burglary report.

Shelley Henderson of the News-Enterprise contributed to this article.