Crime Log Compiled
by Chris Martinez
Saturday, August 7
• Grand Theft Reported—(Priority 3)—Central Avenue and Sixth Street—7:21 a.m.—A catalytic converter was taken overnight according to the reporting person. No information was available about the suspect.
• Trespassing—(Priority 2)—15th Street—8:20 a.m.—One or two individuals were seen in the backyard of a vacant residence as they began to set up camp according to the reporting person.
• Transient—(Priority 3)—North Gate Road—8:48 a.m.—According to a second hand report a male individual was sleeping on a mattress near the laundry room. The individual’s sister was contacted to help assist her brother, but she was unable to assist him.
• Vehicle Code Violation—(Priority 3)—10th Street and Central Avenue—9:27 a.m.—On 10th Street between Central and Ocean, a motorcycle with loud exhaust was heard riding up and down the street. This is an ongoing issue according to the reporting person. The reporting person stated she was told by a watch commander to call when she sees the motorcyclist.
• Trespassing—(Priority 2)—Coastline Drive—9:31 a.m.—The reporting person who was not on scene but observed a female walk onto a property approximately 30 minutes prior to calling officers and had not seen the individual leave. The residence is currently under construction with the back of the building completely exposed according to the reporting person. Officers arrived on scene and searched the residence; the building was clear with no one inside.
• Counseling—(Priority 3)—First Street—10:27 a.m.—The reporting person required counseling in reference to an incident that occurred sometime the night before. A Silver Toyota Camry was driven b a female individual and a 6-year-old child who was in the vehicle.
• Found Property—(Priority 4)—Eight Street—11:42 a.m.—The reporting person located a bag of clothing on the curb next to a purse. The reporting person located the female who was wearing a purple dress and multiple layers of clothing. The female individual appeared to be a transient and stated that she would retrieve her items and leave the area.
• Citizen Assist—(Priority 3)—Seal Beach Boulevard—2:08 p.m.—This Citizen Assist is regarding a parking pass.
• Disturbing Subject—(Priority 2)—Ocean Avenue—2:18 p.m.—The reporting person got in a physical altercation with an individual who was blocking two parking spots with a table and surfboards. The reporting person was upset that they were blocking two spots in the 10th street parking lot.
• Citizen Assist—(Priority 3)—Seal Beach Boulevard—3:17 p.m.—The reporting person’s vehicle was towed and was required to get paperwork to get property out of his vehicle.
• Transient—(Priority 3)—14th Street and Ocean Avenue—3:41 p.m.—A female with two handbags on her shoulder was seen yelling at patron walking by and digging through trash.
• Counseling—(Priority 3)—Elder Avenue—4:48 p.m.—The reporting person was out of state in Georgia, she stated she had received a call from her tenants that NABS (Inexperienced or new person) had cut the tree on the reporting persons property.
• Drunk—(Priority 2)—17TH Street and Landing Avenue—5:19 p.m.—The reporting person stated she witnessed a female passed out in the alley to the rear.
• Municipal Code Violation—(Priority 3)—Ocean Avenue—7:24 p.m.—According to the reporting person she saw German shepherds running on the beach off the Second street entrance. The reporting person canceled the call, due to the fact that individual who was responsible for the dogs had left the area.
• Kicked Dog– (Priority 3)—Main Street—7:47 p.m.—The reporting person said an individual looked at the reporting person and kicked the reporting person’s dog in the face by a transient. The dog was not injured in the attack, according to the reporting person. Police cited Marlo Eugene Maldonado, 43, for kicking a dog in the face, according to the log.
• Vehicle Burglary—(Priority 3)—First Street and Ocean Avenue—7:58 p.m. –The reporting person advised they parked their vehicle on First Street and Ocean. When asked to provide her address the reporting person stated her legal address was the UPS Store and would not provide any further details.
• Disturbing Individual– (Priority 2)—Lampson Avenue—11:20 p.m.—Two male individuals pulled up to a wedding in a grey Lexus. According to the reporting person, who was an employee, someone reportedly said they had guns. In additional reporting, witnesses stated after police arrived at the location that the suspects they then went back to their car to grab their guns. The reporting person locked all doors leading into the venue and peeked out of the window to determine if the car was still in the area. The reporting person could not see the vehicle. Another person at the location stated they knew the individuals and this was possibly a gang-related event. The suspects were not present when officers arrived on scene.
Sunday, September 8
• Traffic Collision (Non-Injury)—(Priority 3)—North Bound 405 Freeway and Seal Beach Boulevard—2:41 a.m.—Two dark colored SUVs were parked at spaghettini. Another vehicle was blocking the south bound lanes, the freeway entrance. Officers were advised that the accident occurred on the off ramp of the 405.
• Transient—(Priority 3)—Pacific Coast Highway—6:42 a.m.—An individual was sleeping in front of the reporting persons door. The individual sleeping has a large dog with them. The reporting person is expecting a client at an undisclosed location.
• Welfare Check—(Priority 2)—405 Freeway and Seal Beach Boulevard—9:39 a.m.—On the sidewalk overpass, a male individual was lying flat on his back with his legs open. After officers contacted the individual, he was identified as a missing person out of Norwalk.
• Transient—(Priority 3)—Main Street—9:59 a.m.—An individual was seen laying in a parking lot stall according to the reporting person.
• Abandoned Vehicle—(Priority 4)—Dolphin Avenue—1:07 p.m.—A black Mercedes Benz was reported as abandoned; the vehicle was required to be marked.
• Check Area—(Priority 2)—Pacific Coast Highway and 12th Street—2:16 p.m.—A female individual cut off the reporting person off. The female individual was seen screaming and weaving in and out of traffic.
• Hail by Citizen—(Priority 3)—Pacific Coast highway—3:34 p.m.—A non-injury traffic accident occurred on private property; information was exchanged between the individuals involved.
• Battery Report—(Priority 3)—Knollwood Road—5:28 p.m.—Sometime in the early morning, a neighbor reportedly a jug and water on the reporting person while the reporting person was walking her dogs.
• Drunk—(Priority 2)—5th Street—5:51 p.m.—A male individual wearing a white shirt, blue sweats and a green hat was extremely intoxicated according to the reporting person. Officers on scene checked on the man and noted that he was able to walk on his own and answered questions.
• Health and Safety Violation—(Priority 2)—6:07 p.m.—A female on the east side of the river was reportedly seen smoking crack along the water line. According to the reporting person, she was seen south of Pacific Coast Highway.
• Transient—(Priority 3)—Main Street—6:30 p.m.—A male individual wearing a green hat carrying three grocery bags was seen taking food off tables according to the reporting person.
• Transient—(Priority 3)—Seal Beach Boulevard—6:33 p.m.—A male individual was seen begging for money, he was seen pulling a black wagon with a dog inside. According to the reporting person the individual approached them and was very aggressive.
• Transient—(Priority 3)—Westminster Avenue and Seal Beach Boulevard—6:59 p.m.—A male individual was seen pushing a shopping cart and walking into traffic In the east-bound lanes.
• Counseling—(Priority 3) –Ocean Avenue—8:13 p.m.—A 17-year-old was refusing to leave the beach. The reporting person stated the girl continued to play on the playground instead of leaving with her father.
• Grand Theft Reported—(Priority 3)—16th Street—8:38 p.m.—A catalytic converter was taken from a 2008 Toyota Prius. The theft apparently occurred on Sunday at approximately 7 p.m. between 16th Street and 17th Street.
• Municipal Code Violation—(Priority 3)—Elder Avenue—8:49 p.m.—The reporting person made several calls referring to an unattached boat was parked in the area.
• Disturbing Juveniles—(Priority 3)—Montecito Road—9:03 p.m.—The reporting person stated a skateboarder was attempting tricks that were unsafe.
• Disturbing Subject—(Priority 2)—Montecito Road—9:05 p.m.—A male individual was seen yelling at the location. The reporting person believed that the individual’s location is a halfway house with several people living inside.
• Disturbing Party—(Priority 3)—Lampson avenue—9:42 p.m.—The reporting person stated he heard a loud wedding with no signer.
• Disturbing Party—(Priority 3)—11th Street—10:09 p.m.—The reporting person stated there was a disturbing party on a balcony.
• Transient—(Priority 3)—17th Street and Electric Avenue—10:47 p.m.—the reporting person notified officers of an individual sleeping in the alley between 17th Street and 16th Street.
• Driving Under the Influence—(Priority 2)—Main Street—10:55 p.m.—Two men and a woman were leaving Seal Beach in a white four-door sedan. The reporting person saw them leave in an undisclosed direction .
Monday, August 9
• Disturbing Party—(Priority 3)—Lampson Avenue—12:17 a.m.—The reporting person was willing to sign for a noise complaint, this was the first response issued.
• Grand Theft Reported—(Priority 3)—Lampson Avenue—8:16 a.m.—Occurring sometime during the night, a 2009 Honda Element was broken into. Stolen property included a catalytic converter.
• Disturbing Subject—(Priority 3)—Pacific Coast Highway 10:08 a.m.—A transient in a black hoodie, gray pants, lime green shoes and crutches was sitting at the stores entrance yelling. In the past the reporting person stated the transient had become aggressive when being approached by the reporting person. The reporting person advised of trespassing.
• Transient—(Priority 3)—Seal Way—In the parking spot off the alley the reporting person stated they saw a male transient sitting on the ground screaming, yelling and cursing in a brown shirt and dirty jeans drinking from a large beer can.