The City Council unanimously awarded contracts for senior transportation services to two companies at this week’s council meeting. The contract with Cabco Yellow, Inc. (California Yellow Cab) was for a maximum of $180,000 for three years. The contract with Parking Concepts, Inc. (doing business as Transportation Concepts) was for a maximum of $420,000 for three years.
Cabco Yellow, Inc. will provide dial-a-ride services.
Parking Concepts, Inc. will provide shuttle services, according to the staff report to the council.
The contracts, and the authorization for the city manager to extend those contracts, were originally part of the Consent Calendar.
However, District Two Councilman Thomas Moore pulled the item for further discussion.
“On November 14, 2016, the City entered into a professional services agreement with Keolis Transit America, Inc. (Keolis) to provide Senior Transportation Service,” according to the report prepared by Deputy Public Works Director/City Engineer Iris Lee.
Last year, the company notified Seal Beach that their Garden Grove operation would close on May 31, 2020. Seal Beach hired Cabco to provide a six-month rideshare service. “The agreement expires on May 26, 2021,” Lee wrote.
Lee presented the staff report to the council.
District Five Councilwoman Sandra Massa-Lavitt asked if the shuttle would come inside Leisure World.
“It is anticipated that we will have stops in Leisure World as well,” Lee said.
Lee said the shuttles have the capacity to carry 20 passengers, but the city would follow the current health guidelines.
Lee said a majority of the funds came from the Orange County Transportation Authority’s Senior Mobility Program; AQMD money would also fund the program.
District Two Councilman Thomas Moore asked if the shuttles at Transportation Concepts were nicer. Lee said the vehicles were newer than those bought from OCTA in the past. Moore asked if the transportation plan would resemble the pre-pandemic program.
“We are planning to make some modifications,” Lee said. She said staff was looking at combining destinations into one loop instead of provided shuttle services between Leisure World and Rossmoor.
She said the dial-a-ride service will be expanded to provide Monday through Friday. According to Lee, a survey found that seniors have asked for expanded hours. Currently, she said, there is a limited number of drivers available for dial-a-ride, but the number would increase as more drivers get vaccinated for COVID-19.
Massa-Lavitt asked when the program would “turn on.”
“I would say the first part of July,” Lee said.