Council OKs contract for pool project manager

The City Council on Monday, April 25, approved a contract with Griffin Structures, Inc., to override program management and design services for the community pool project. The professional services agreement would be for a maximum $58,700. (chronological history of the project)

This item was on the Consent Calendar. The council votes on consent items collectively, without discussion,  unless specific items are pulled for individual consideration.

Nothing was pulled from the April 25 Consent Calendar.

In 2008, a consultant advised Seal Beach officials that the McGaugh swimming pool was at the end of its useful life. The city has been working on the future of the community pool since then.

“In 2013, the City adopted the Parks and Community Services Master Plan that provided recommendations to improve and expand recreational activities for various parks throughout the City. The Master Plan also evaluated the program needs for a community pool,” according to the staff report by Iris Lee, city engineer and deputy director of Public Works.

“In 2020, a series of public outreach efforts were conducted to determine if a sub-parcel at the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station (NWS) would be a viable Community Pool site. Given the higher than anticipated capital and on-going maintenance and operations cost, City Council directed staff to evaluate alternatives,” wrote Lee.

“At the March 2, 2022 Community Pool Project Ad Hoc Committee meeting, the Committee discussed engaging a consultant to re-evaluate the McGaugh Elementary School pool site (McGaugh). It was determined that key points, including the following, would need to be addressed,” wrote Lee.

“Programmatic use of the site and how McGaugh could be best utilized to meet these programmatic needs

“Existing pool condition and how the pool could be reused or rebuilt

“Achievable conceptual design options taking Los Alamitos Unified School District and other applicable regulatory agency requirements into consideration.

“Griffin Structures, Inc. (Griffin) provided a proposal in a not-to-exceed amount of $58,700 to conduct a feasibility study that would ascertain how the McGaugh pool site could be revitalized or re-envisioned, while meeting community goals that are fiscally sustainable.

“Staff recommends retaining Griffin to evaluate the McGaugh pool site given its program management knowledge from the NWS alternative, and its aquatic center portfolio that surpasses $1 billion with their most recent projects in the Cities of Mountain View, Piedmont, and San Bruno

There’s enough money in the Community Pool Capital Improvement Program budget to fund the agreement, according to Lee’s report.

“On March 31, 2021, this item was identified as a Council Strategic Objective for the coming year,” Lee wrote