Council discusses city manager, litigation

The City Council took no reportable action at this week’s closed to the public meeting, according to a March 25 email from Attorney Nicholas Ghirelli.

The Seal Beach council met at 5 p.m., March 24, for a closed session meeting to discuss the city manager’s position and legal issues. However, the council had a 5:30 p.m. study session on the budget. (The Sun will report on the details in the April 3 issue. The council went back into closed session following the regular meeting that was held later that night.

The council considered four items on the agenda:

Item A: Public employee appointment/employment: city manager.

Item B: Conference with labor negotiator: The city attorney is the city’s representative in negotiations with the interim city manager. 

Though not identified by name in the agenda for the closed session meeting, Patrick Gallegos is currently the interim city manager for Seal Beach.

Item C: Conference with legal counsel: anticipated litigation. The agenda did not say who was suing or why. The agenda reported one case “involving facts and circumstances not yet known to a potential plaintiff.” A plaintiff is the group or individual that files a lawsuit.

Item D: Conference with legal counsel: anticipated litigation. The agenda reported that there was a threat of a lawsuit over the proposed development at 4665 Lampson Ave., in Seal Beach. A record of the threat is available at the City Clerk’s Office. The council discussed this at a previous closed session. (For more information, see “Lampson Lawsuit?” published March 13, 2025, at