In response to Jared Brown’s article in last week’s Sun (Taxing our Children), he suggests that as a result of our failed fight to oppose Prop 32 that we should be deemed unfit to “care” for our children, as we’ve shown an ineptitude in understanding the ramifications of our actions.
Of course he’s right. With the failing of Prop 32, and the passing of Prop 30, as well as the voting in of a Democratic Supermajority in the State Legislature, the lunatics are now running the asylum. Special Interests (Public Employee Unions), Politicians, and “takers” have determined that the “rich” and Businesses are not paying their fair share. (setting aside that the top 20% of Income Earners pay 87% of all Tax Revenues)
A missive attributed to Alexander Tytler provides some clarity.
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates (and Propositions) promising them the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.”
I would proffer to Mr. Brown though, that his “care” of his children, and our care of our children is, in part, a mirage. If we allowed our toddlers to be educated by watching State-funded puppets, then we may have already inadvertently circumvented our role as parents. If we send them to public school, there is a good chance that they are being exposed to influences inconsistent with our own (note: not necessarily.)
I’m not, nor would I ever suggest that all teachers maintain values inconsistent with our own. If we send them to University, we can only pray that the foundation of influence that we developed in our young adults is stronger than the “in-your-face” Liberalism that they will receive upon arrival (note: necessarily. I am suggesting that the majority of professors maintain values not consistent with our own). If, as young adults, they are receiving their news by watching a comedian on Comedy Central, we must accept that our influences may have been overtaken by influences not of our making.
Society is in decay. The Golden State is America’s future. More spending. More debt. Higher Taxation. More Regulations. Stunted Growth. Resulting in decline and decay. California is in for a rude awakening. Increased Taxation, and out-sized Public Employee Union influences presume that the rich, and businesses are stupid. That they will freely give (more of) the sweat of their brow to service over-extended Pension obligations, continued support of one-third of the nations welfare recipients, and a train to nowhere.
I don’t think so. The Founders, in their foresight, offered us a solution – The 10th Amendment to the Constitution. Can we say – I-10 East until sanity becomes visible.
Update: On Thursday, Nov. 16, it was reported that millions of dollars forecasted to be raised with the passing of Prop 30, intended for California Schools, will instead be redirected to Wall Street, to cover for risky “Interest Rate Swap.” investments made by the UC Regents. Very little, if any of the revenues raised by the passage of this proposition will go towards education. Surprise!
Earick Ward is a resident of Seal Beach.