City seeks applicants for new District One planner

The city of Seal Beach is accepting applications to fill the District One seat on the Planning Commission. District One Commissioner Deb Machen resigned earlier this week, but her resignation is effective on Nov. 1. She is moving to Rossmoor.

The Planning Commission was established in September 1932.  Appointments to the commission are for a term of four years. This appointment is to fill an unexpected vacancy. Residents of District One (Old Town and Surfside) may apply. The commissioner would serve until the current term expires in December 2018.  The Planning Commission has the following powers and duties: To remain informed on matters affecting the function of duties of, and matters before the commission; and to exercise such powers and perform such duties as are provided by state law for planning commissions of general law cities. The Commission meets every first and third Monday evening at 7 p.m. in Council Chambers.

Applications can be obtained at the City Clerk’s office, or by visiting: