City renews contract for police body and dash camera systems

10-year contract includes new Tasers

The council on Monday, June 10, unanimously approved the purchase of Axon Enterprise, Inc. police cameras and an integrated Taser system. 

The cameras would be body cameras, dash cameras, as well as Taser 10s and related accessories.

“The total cost of the program for the 10-year term is $1,747,800.77, which includes annual ongoing costs of $179,103.56 per year for Year 2 thru 10,” according to the staff report prepared by Seal Beach Police Operations Bureau Capt. Michael Ezroj.

This was a Consent Calendar item. Consent items are approved collectively, without discussion, unless pulled for individual consideration. Nothing was pulled from this week’s Consent Calendar.


“On July 20, 2020, the City Council approved Resolution 7059, approving the purchase of Axon Body Worn Cameras (‘BWCs’), a patrol vehicle camera system, and an Integrated TASER 7 System. The approved agreement under Resolution has a term of five (5) years, with an end date of July 20, 2025,” Ezroj wrote.

“In February 2024, staff began working with Axon on a quote for the 2025 renewal. During the process, the City negotiated a discounted 10-year term with Axon that would absorb the final year of the current contract and ensure set pricing and savings. Due to rising costs, several other cities have chosen the 10-year term option, as it provides more stability and allows cities to lock in rates at the current price point,” Ezroj wrote.

“The 10-year agreement (‘Agreement’) provides updated hardware for BWCs, patrol vehicle cameras, TASERs, and for the associated accessories at the onset of the Agreement as well as during preset ‘refresh’ periods throughout the term to ensure against failures related to aging technology or devices,” Ezroj wrote.


“The new contract includes an upgrade of fleet cameras for all twelve patrol vehicles,” Ezroj wrote. 

“The currently installed fleet cameras have a forward and rear facing camera. The new fleet camera system includes upgraded panoramic cameras with dual view of recording video and Infrared Radiation (IR) for better visibility in darkness. These new fleet systems also include Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) camera technology, integrating 4K ALPR cameras that cover three (3) traffic lanes and provide officers with real-time awareness,” Ezroj wrote.

The installation costs are built into the contract price, according to Ezroj.

“As part of the July 20, 2020, contract, the City purchased 50 Axon Body 3 BWCs, the necessary accessories, and software licenses. Subsequently, the City purchased two additional Body 3 BWCs and licenses to ensure all personnel were equipped with the technology. The new contract includes 52 BWCs of Axon’s newest technology, the Body 4 model, and all necessary accessories for operation. The Body 4 model includes a larger battery for longer battery life, an upgraded 5MP camera sensor, increased visibility with a 4:3 aspect ratio and increased 160-

degree field of view,” Ezroj wrote.


“The 2020 contract upgraded department staff to the Axon Taser 7, a non-lethal taser device that integrated with the Axon software systems. The proposed contract includes 50 Taser 10 devices, the newest taser model offered by Axon. The Taser 10 has a maximum range of 45 feet, an increase in range over the Taser 7 by almost double the distance, which provides officers with more time and space to de-escalate and resolve conflicts. Should de-escalation fail, the Taser 10 can deploy up to 10 individually charged targeted probes without the need to reload and includes advancements in accuracy and effectiveness, including a more visible green laser to improve daylight scenarios,” Ezroj wrote.

License plate reading tech

“Currently only two of the twelve patrol fleet vehicles are equipped with ALPR technology,” Ezroj wrote. He was apparently referring to the cameras that read license plates.

“The cost to outfit each patrol vehicle, independent of Axon, is $8,000 with additional recurring fees each year per vehicle for licensing. The new Axon fleet cameras installed under this contract will fully equip all patrol vehicles with ALPR technology, a cost savings of over $80,000 compared to independently equipping vehicles, and this amount is included in the proposed agreement,” Ezroj wrote.


“The FY 2024-2025 Proposed Budget includes funding for Year 1 costs, which is estimated to be less than the July 20, 2020 contract agreement Year 5 cost of $142,981 due to staff negotiated contract costs through budget implementation,” Ezroj wrote.

“Additional costs are spread across Years 2 through 10 and equate to an annual estimated fixed increase of $36,122.56 per year compared to current contract costs, which represents costs of service but includes a significant discount to the city for early renegotiation and fixed pricing,” Ezroj wrote.

“The City was able to secure a 10-year contract with no increase to the annual maintenance costs per year. Therefore, the remaining contract balance will be budgeted in future years,” Ezroj wrote.