City hires All American Asphalt for street paving project

The City Council unanimously awarded a Public Works contract to All American Asphalt for the street paving program at the Jan. 27 council meeting. The project would be for paving Seal Beach Boulevard from Westminster Avenue to North Gate Road. The contract was for a maximum of $280,000.

This was a Consent Calendar item. Consent items are voted on collectively, without discussion, unless a council member pulls one or more items for further discussion. This item was not pulled.


“The City’s Arterial Paving Program (Project) was budgeted in the FY 2024-2025 Capital Improvement Program to improve roadway conditions within the City,” according to the staff report prepared by Associate Engineer David Spitz.

“The work will generally include grinding the existing pavement and installing an asphalt overlay to extend the roadways’ serviceable life. Pursuant to the 2022 Pavement Management Program, Seal Beach Boulevard, between Westminster Avenue and North Gate Road, was selected for resurfacing,” Spitz wrote.

Seal Beach received six bids on Dec. 17, 2024, according to the report.

“Based upon the references, qualifications, work experience, and cost, staff recommends deeming All American Asphalt as the lowest responsible bidder at the base bid price of $1,289,158, awarding the Project to All American Asphalt, and rejecting all other bids. The Project plans are available in the City Engineer’s office,” Spitz wrote.

“Staff further recommends authorizing the Interim City Manager to approve additional work requests up to $220,000, and construction support/testing/inspection services up to $60,000, in the cumulative not-to-exceed amount of $280,000,” Spitz wrote.

“Construction is estimated to start in Spring 2025 and be completed within 30 working days following the Notice to Proceed. The Project will require the closing of up to two (2) lanes on Seal Beach Boulevard in each direction at any one (1) time. Accordingly, and in compliance with the Caltrans encroachment permit conditions, the work will be conducted at night due to high traffic volumes. Staff will coordinate with Leisure World, the Golden Rain Foundation, and other commercial entities along Seal Beach Boulevard on the work schedule and construction expectations,” Spitz wrote.

There is enough money in the 2024-2025 budget for the paving program, according to the Spitz report.

“No budget amendments are recommended,” Spitz wrote.

“Any unspent funds will be returned to the original funding source,” Spitz wrote.