By Chris MacDonald
For The Sun
Calvary Chapel of the Harbour in Sunset Beach is offering a free Vacation Bible School online for kids 3-12 from 9 to 11 a.m., July 20 through July 24. “We are very excited to host our Vacation Bible School online this year.
It is a wonderful opportunity for kids to have a summer adventure in the comfort of their own home,” said Senior Pastor Joe Pedick. “As a young child, Vacation Bible School had a great impact on my life. That’s why we’re now offering it totally free. We have a really fun Rocky Railway theme, complete with handouts that are online. We are beyond blessed to see the children have fun and laughter, especially during these very trying times.”
Anyone can participate in The Rocky Railway Theme by tuning into Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/CCOTH/ or You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcISzaObkAM68SPxJHUzCbw.