The following is a regular profile of a Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce member.
Across from City Hall at 138 Eighth St., is a beautiful expanse of green lawn bordered by lovely rose beds. In this corner of tranquility in the midst of the small town bustle of Seal Beach, you will find Grace Community Church, believed started in the 1930’s and established as a church in 1944.
During the intervening 68 years, Grace Church has become a veritable hub of community activity as well as nourishing the souls of its congregants and the community. Their Worship Service Times are 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. each Sunday morning, with programs for children and youth also Sunday morning. On Monday night and Tuesday night, Jr. High and High School groups are held. Most importantly to its outreach to children is the Vacation Bible School each July, a “summer camp” within the city, hosting more than 300 children this past month. Extending their outreach mission even further, this October, Grace will be sponsoring a Baja House Building Project in Mexico.
Among the organizations with which Grace is involved are Precious Life Shelter, Prison Fellowship Ministries and Precious Lamb Preschool for children of families going through crisis such as homelessness. Precious Lamb Preschool started through Grace. There are also ministries and support for military personnel: Support our Troops, Operation Legacy and Reboot. Further community participation has included Relay for Life, Polar Plunge for Special Olympics, the Seal Beach 5K/10K Run, blood drives and many co-hosted sponsorships with the Lions and Leos. The community also enjoys and joins in with the Grace Carolers in the annual Christmas Parade. A number of parishioners who attend Grace are also involved in the leadership in the community. The community is always invited to join any of Grace’s ministries.
The longtime associate and interim Pastor Steve Williams, with associate Pastor Bob Wriedt, are committed to guiding the church in carrying out its key values and marks of discipleship: Participatory Worship – Making Time for God; Biblical Worldview – Growing in Obedience to God’s Word; Faithful Compassion – Expressing Love to Others; Known by Name – Cultivating Authentic Relationships; and, Missional Life – Helping Others to Know God.
In May, Pastor Steve movingly spoke in prayer at the Seal Beach Memorial Day event. He is often seen at the beach conducting Ocean Baptisms and he and Pastor Bob always run in the Seal Beach 5K/10K. Of particular interest to Pastor Steve is his “Stephen Ministry Program” for support of individuals going through a significant life event or crises. “We all face life changing crisis,” he says,” and being able to provide loving and compassion support when needed is a true mission for all of us, never more true than in the recent city tragedy.”
The link to Grace’s community involvement is Vicki Barilla, director of Community Outreach. She first came to Seal Beach in 1988 and soon began her involvement in the community. She started attending Grace Community Church in 1989.
After meeting her husband Al at Grace, Vicki joined the staff in 2006 and has found some of her greatest life experiences in her activities within the church and the community. Says Vicki, “We provide our facilities as a place for community organizations to meet, including monthly Chamber Board meetings, and hosting an ongoing 12-step recovery program, the success of which make us very proud. During the year, we have a number of life groups, small group studies and affinity groups for the church and broader community.”
“We joined the Chamber in the 1990’s,” comments Vicki, “ and count our membership in the Chamber as the ‘door’ to greater community involvement through volunteering. It provides a means to connect with and build relationships and community, not only with local businesses, but also with other churches and religious organization, non-profits, civic, community, city leaders and staff.
“We have enjoyed participating in the Chamber Summer Concerts, providing hospitality on the lawn for the Classic Car Show and particularly like sponsoring the December breakfast at which our Pastor Emeritus, Don Shoemaker, has always been involved. His joy in music has been present all his life and leading chamber members at the breakfast in singing Christmas carols has been a delight for him. The community enjoys and joins in with the Grace Carolers in the annual Christmas Parade.” Another valuable service to the Chamber and the community occurred when Vicki served on its Board of Directors from 2006-2008.
Vicki sees the future of Grace Community Church “as following the teachings and example of Christ, in a continuum of community involvement and greater coming together in love and the spirit, a constant in a our commitment to reach others, develop faith, be a haven, build peace and offer justice and mercy in this world of often uncertainty.”
You are invited to visit their website,, join them on Facebook, call Vicki at 562-596-1605 or visit to learn more. You will be welcomed.