The City Council this week received and filed a recommendation to use money raised by the Seal Beach Centennial Committee to install exercise equipment in two city parks.
The matter will come back to the council after staff has issued a request for proposals.
The Recreation and Parks Commission recently recommended using the money to buy and install workout equipment for Marina and Heather Parks, according to the staff report by Recreation Manager Tim Kelsey.
He told the council Monday night, May 24, that the Parks Commission did not identify exact locations within the parks for the exercise equipment.
In 2015, Seal Beach celebrated its centennial. “The [Centennial] Committee and City also hosted other fundraisers to support these events, such as merchandise and commemorative brick sales,” Kelsey wrote.
“As a result, the Committee and City raised enough revenue to fund all centennialsponsored activities and generated a surplus of revenue that was designated by the Centennial Committee to be spent on a project(s) that would support recreation within the City,” Kelsey wrote.
“On January 27, 2021, the Recreation and Parks Commission (“Commission”) discussed potential recreation projects that would meet the goals of the Centennial Committee,” Kelsey wrote.
The Commission directed staff to bring back additional information regarding park workout equipment that could be placed at Marina Park and Heather Park,” Kelsey wrote.
“On February 24, 2021, staff provided the [Parks] Commission with an updated project that included workout equipment at both Heather and Marina parks. As part of this project, each park would receive three pieces of workout equipment,” Kelsey wrote.
The Parks Commissioners selected the equipment they thought the public would like, according to Kelsey’s report.
“Based on discussions with equipment vendors, the surplus centennial revenue will cover the total costs of purchasing and installing the new workout equipment,” Kelsey wrote.
“If the Council approves the recommendation of the Commission, staff will begin the process of publicly bidding the project and then bring back an item to Council to consider an award of a professional services agreement for the installation of the equipment,” Kelsey wrote.
Kelsey told the council that one concrete pad would have three pieces of the equipment. He said the equipment could serve up to nine people at one time.
According to Kelsey, nine to 12 exercises would be possible.
Kelsey said it would take about two months for staff to develop a request for proposals.
In response to a question by District Three Councilman Mike Varipapa, Kelsey said the equipment would be predominantly used by adults, but could be used by kids or adults. Varipapa asked if staff took an informal survey.
Kelsey said there were two Parks Commission meetings. He said he thought there were a couple of comments of support from the public.
District Four Councilwoman Schelly Sustarsic asked if the cost of installation was high, would that effect the equipment that the city could afford?
Kelsey said yes. Kelsey then said that the project doesn’t have to be done within a timeline.
District Two Councilman Thomas Moore asked if there was any discussion of putting something in Edison Park?
Kelsey said he thought staff could come back to the council if there is money left over.
“It would be nice to have something in Edison Park if possible,” Moore said.
Kelsey said it was something staff could look at in the future.
Moore suggested two pieces of equipment in one park and one piece of equipment in Edison.
City Manager Jill Ingram pointed out that this was a recommendation of the Recreation and Parks Commission.
District One Councilman/Mayor Joe Kalmick adjourned the meeting until the next regular meeting in June.