The City Council will hold public hearings on Seal Beach’s budget and on the bidding threshold for Public Works contracts on Monday, June 27.
Due to an outbreak among City Hall employees, Seal Beach meetings are being held online until at least the end of this month. Members of the public who want to comment during the 7 p.m. meeting should email Acting City Clerk Dana Engstrom at or call her at 562-430-2527, extension.
The agenda for the June 27 meeting hasn’t been released. Other items will be on the agenda.
Budget hearing
The budget, in case you haven’t heard, is tight.
The council recently discussed using funds earmarked for College Park East to improve CPE parks.
At the first of two budget workshops held earlier this month, City Manager Jill Ingram said that when the budget process began there was a deficit of $4.7 million. According to Ingram the proposed 2022-23 budget is balanced, reportedly by cuts, but in a recent Ingram said capital improvement projects would have to be paid with reserves.
Bidding threshold hearing
According to a legal notice published on June 16, the council will hold a hearing to consider the adjustment of the bidding threshold for Public Works contracts to $39,524.
The purpose, according to the legal notice, “to allow the City to increase its bidding threshold for the acquisition of goods and services consistent with the percentage increase in construction costs as reflected in the difference between the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index – 20 City Average for June 1, 2022 as compared to June 1, 2021.”