Briefing Room: The importance of paying attention to your surroundings

Situation awareness keeps you and those around you safer

Hi Seal Beach,

We’ve all seen the videos—someone walking down the street, completely absorbed in their phone, only to crash into a light pole or take an unexpected swim in a mall fountain. It’s funny when it happens in a harmless way (and when it’s caught on security cameras for the internet to enjoy), but it’s also a good reminder of how easy it is to tune out the world around us.

At the Seal Beach Police Department, we’re not asking you to be hyper-vigilant or to scan every room like an action movie hero. But a little situational awareness goes a long way when it comes to keeping yourself and those around you safe. The good news? It’s not about being paranoid—it’s about being present.

What is situational awareness?

Simply put, situational awareness is paying attention to what’s happening around you and recognizing when something doesn’t seem quite right. It’s about making small, intentional choices that keep you engaged with your surroundings, whether you’re walking through a parking lot, shopping downtown, or enjoying the beach.

Here are a few easy ways to improve your situational awareness:

1. Look up, look around

We get it—phones are practically an extension of our hands. But when you’re walking, driving, or out in public, take a break from scrolling and pay attention to what’s happening around you. (Bonus: You’ll avoid becoming the next viral video of someone face-planting into a glass door.)

2. Listen to your gut

Ever had that weird feeling that something just isn’t right? Trust it. Your brain picks up on subtle cues, even if you don’t consciously recognize them. If a situation feels off, take a moment to reassess. It’s always better to move to a safer area or ask for help than to ignore your instincts.

3. Keep track of your belongings

How many times have you left your phone, keys, or wallet behind because you weren’t paying attention? (Be honest.) Keeping mental tabs on your belongings not only prevents the hassle of retracing your steps but also reduces the risk of theft.

4. Know your exits

What’s one of the first things you’re asked to do when you board a flight? This one’s simple—whenever you enter a new place, take a second to note where the exits are. Whether it’s a restaurant, a movie theater, or a store, knowing how to get out quickly in an emergency is an easy habit to build. (And no, the “duck and cover” method from your middle school fire drills won’t help.)

5. Stay alert in parking lots

We all do it—unlocking the car while juggling bags, checking a text, and mentally planning dinner. But parking lots are one of the easiest places to get distracted. Before heading to your car, take a quick glance around, have your keys ready, and stay aware of your surroundings.

Why it matters

Situational awareness isn’t about living in fear—it’s about being engaged. The more aware we all are, the safer our community becomes. Plus, staying present means you’ll enjoy more of what makes Seal Beach great—like the sunset over the pier or that neighbor you always seem to run into at the coffee shop.

So, take a deep breath, look up from your phone, and stay present. And if you do happen to walk into a pole … we promise not to laugh. Too much.

Keep your questions coming, Seal Beach! Email us at today!