Briefing Room: Leash the dog; keep the cat off someone else’s property

Animal control officers may issue citations or impound pets

For the Sun

Hi Seal Beach,

As someone who loves walking our dear Facility Dog Yosa around town, I’ve seen firsthand how wonderful it is for our community to have such beautiful parks and public spaces. But along with that privilege comes the responsibility to ensure we’re all following the rules to keep these spaces safe for everyone—including our pets.

We’ve recently received a number of complaints about dogs being off-leash in our parks and public spaces. While we love seeing our residents enjoying the outdoors with their furry companions, it’s important to remember that our local laws are in place to keep everyone—both humans and animals—safe.

The Seal Beach Municipal Code (SBMC) § 7.05.055 outlines the requirements for dogs and cats:

A. No person having the care, charge, or control of any dog shall cause or allow such dog to be present upon any beach, street, alley, or public place, or upon any private property or premises other than his or her own without written consent of the owner or lessee of the premises, unless such dog is securely restrained by a substantial leash or chain not exceeding six feet in length and controlled by a person competent to restrain such dog. Leashed dogs are not permitted in areas where dogs are prohibited.

B. No person having the care, charge, or control of a cat shall permit the cat to enter upon another person’s property or residential unit without permission.

C. The animal control officer may impound any cat or dog found in violation of this section.

Leashing your dog is about more than just following the rules—it’s about ensuring the safety and enjoyment of all park visitors. While your dog may be friendly and well-behaved, not all people or animals are comfortable around off-leash dogs. Additionally, even the most well-trained dog can act unpredictably, especially when encountering distractions like other animals, cyclists, or small children.

Keeping your dog on a leash helps prevent unwanted interactions, protects wildlife in our parks, and reduces the risk of accidents. It’s also a courtesy to those who may feel uneasy around dogs, helping to foster a sense of safety and respect for everyone sharing our public spaces.

While our primary goal is to educate the community about the importance of these regulations, our Animal Control Officers are prepared to take enforcement action when necessary. If a dog is found off-leash in a public area or in a location where dogs are prohibited, officers may issue citations or impound the animal if the situation warrants it.

We encourage all dog owners to help us keep our parks enjoyable for everyone by following the leash laws. Remember, keeping your dog on a leash not only ensures their safety but also protects the wellbeing of others.

If you have specific questions about our Animal Control program, feel free to reach out to us

Keep your questions coming, Seal Beach. Email us at today!