Hi Seal Beach!
Exciting times around the station this week! We’ve hired two new police aides. The Seal Beach Police Department really is a family. For those of you unfamiliar with law enforcement, our partners are much more than just coworkers. Many of us risk our lives each and every day to protect the community and each other. When you trust your life to your partner, you quickly become family. Plus, sometimes we spend more time with our work family than at home with our actual family. Police work is a 24/7 operation and that means that many of us have to work on birthdays and holidays. It is a sacrifice we’re willing to make to be part of such a great organization.
So let me tell you about our two new hires. Police aides can fill a variety of roles at the PD. They can be assigned to the Records Bureau, Traffic Bureau, or work in the Detention Center.

• First up is Travis Boice. Speaking of family, both of Travis’ older brothers have worked for the SBPD. Travis is a class of 2020 graduate from Los Alamitos High School. During his time at Los Alamitos, Travis was a four year member of the Lacrosse program. Travis currently attends Long Beach City College with plans to transfer to California State University Long Beach in the fall of 2022 to earn his Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. Travis will be assigned to the Traffic Bureau and will assist with parking enforcement and other traffic-related duties.

• Next up is Cara Bellinger. Cara is a graduate from Long Beach State University Class of 2020. She has her bachelor’s in criminal justice. Cara is always looking to travel to new places and try new things. She will be assigned to the Records Bureau and will assist with records requests, preparing documents for the Court, and assisting the public at the front counter.
We could not be any more excited to have these two join our ranks!
Keep your questions coming! Email them to me at askacop@sealbeachca.gov today!