Special to the Sun Newspapers
While the last 18 months of the economic downturn have been tough on many retailers, the owner of Belmont Kidz, a children’s upscale resale boutique, has reason to celebrate making it to one year.
“I made it a whole year in these hard economic times. Whew,” said owner Sylvia Gorohoff. She said she trusted her gut instinct to open a new shop when many retailers—such as Mervyn’s, Linen ’n Things and Circuit City—were closing their doors for good.
The store will celebrate its first anniversary on Saturday, Jan. 30, with a sale.
Treats will be offered along with a discount.
The sale will be held during the store’s regular hours, from 11 :30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The store, which is decorated in a rainforest theme, is basically a consignment business.
“Parents can bring in their children’s gently-used, premium brand clothing, shoes, toys etc. and I give them the option to consign it or trade for other items in my store.
Kids grow fast and most of them take the trade or store credit option,” Gorohoff said.
“Business can be tough in this economic climate, but if you can see a need and fill it, well, you can have success,” Gorohoff said.
“My perspective is, I’m not just a retailer; I’m also providing a service. Actually, two, as I’m offering quality clothing and baby products at affordable prices while creating an opportunity for parents to sell clothes, toys and baby equipment their kids have outgrown,” she said.
According to Gorohoff, Customers usually comment on the quality and good condition of the items in her store.
Belmont Kidz is stocked with gently worn and like-new clothing and shoes, ranging in size from infants to children’s 12.
According to Gorohoff, the store is stocked with premium brands that some parents couldn’t afford at department stores.
The shop also features some new items, including school uniforms, shoes, handmade dresses, hair accessories and baby blankets created by local moms.
“My daughter is 5, and I know first hand how quickly kids outgrow clothes,” said Gorohoff.
“Moms love that we always have plenty of special occasion party dresses that have barely been worn. They look brand-new, but the price is considerably lower,” she said.
“We also have a play corner for the kids to help mom enjoy her shopping experience more,” Gorohoff said.
In this economic climate, service, too, has been suffering at many stores.
However, Gorohoff believes that service is part of the store’s success.
She said she encourages customers to write down their “wish list” of items, whether it be a jogging stroller or a snowsuit and the store contacts them soon as a consignor brings it to the store.
Belmont Kidz accepts consignments by appointment only Mondays and Tuesdays each week.
Would-be consigners are asked to call for an appointment. Gorohoff also shows new and unique clothing created by local designers.
To make an appointment, call Gorohoff at (562) 433-9151. Store hours are 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday.
Belmont Kidz is located at 2734 E. Broadway (at Temple) in Long Beach. For more information, visit the Web site www.BelmontKidz.com.