Beach Fitness in Seal Beach to host weightlifting event

Marc Sy-Santos pumps iron. Photo courtesy of Beach Fitness

Beach Fitness, Inc. has announced a new event, the Beach Fitness Olympic Weightlifting Competition. It will be held at 11 a.m. on Feb. 1, at the 10682 Los Alamitos Blvd. location. Organizers hope to make it an annual event. Coordinated by Kenny Kallen, a trained Olympic weightlifter and competitor, who is on staff, the event, though not officially sanctioned, will be a springboard to introduce this level of weightlifting to the greater Seal Beach and Los Alamitos community.

The two competition lifts in order are the snatch and the clean and jerk. Each weightlifter receives three attempts in each, and the combined total of the highest two successful lifts determines the overall result within a bodyweight category. Bodyweight categories are different for women and men. A lifter who fails to complete at least one successful snatch and one successful clean and jerk also fails to total, and therefore receives an “incomplete” entry for the competition.

In comparison with other strength sports, which test limit strength (with or without lifting aids), Olympic weightlifting tests aspects of human ballistic limits (explosive strength) and are therefore executed faster—and with more mobility and a greater range of motion during their execution – than other lifts. Properly executed, the snatch and the clean and jerk are both dynamic and explosive while appearing graceful, especially when viewed from a recording at a slowed speed.

Kallen, the event organizer said, “it is really exciting as a weightlifter to bring this type of event to the community.  Weightlifting has been getting increasing exposure in part due to CrossFit, but this takes it to the competitive level.”  The event is designed to be educational, informational and fun to participate in.  Drop in participation is welcome, and entry fee is $20.  Registration is expected to close on Wednesday January 29.

In order to make sure participants have an opportunity to engage with the event safely and successfully, Beach Fitness is offering classes Monday and Wednesday from 7 – 8 pm on weightlifting.

For more information on Beach Fitness Strength & Conditioning or the competition, visit or call (562) 493-2700.