Baseball and politics: being victorious in your daily life

Jim Choate, former executive pastor. Photo by Chris MacDonald

Former Pastor Jim Choate of Huntington Beach recently gave a very Inspiring sermon on being victorious in your daily life

He started with a baseball analogy where America’s Culture is as important to the nation’s health as American Politics and that sport is an important cultural ingredient, so consider the many reasons why baseball deserves to be the national pastime.

“The game is especially suited to our democracy,” he said as a Bible Study guest speaker at Calvary Chapel of the Harbour. “Today, baseball is a career open to talented people from around the world. Around 20 percent of Major Leaguers are from outside North America. This is because in baseball the only race that matters is to the base.”

Like baseball, Christians need to ask, “How do you know if you’re doing well? How do you keep score? What does your box score look like? How do you hold yourself spiritually accountable, knowing you’ll face God’s scrutiny. Who says yes with their mouth but no with their heart? Only you and God know the answer to that?”

The former leader of Olive Branch Community Church said it’s important to remember “that eternity is too long to be wrong, We are training for reigning, Today, we are in a state of flux, what we do matters, Every thought matters, every word spoken matters, every look matters, Every dollar spent matters, Every motivation matters and you matter, so make the most of your one and only opportunity on this side of eternity.”

“Jim has extensive pastoral experience that he always brings to bear in every study he presents,” said retired Long Beach dentist, Dr. Steve Sollitt, an assistant pastor at Calvary, who normally leads the weekly Bible Study. “To God be the glory!”

Jerry Farley of Long Beach said: “His message really ministers to me. He’s a great teacher who has great knowledge and can communicate in a clear, understanding manner that sticks with you.”

“He showed how more men are seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit,” said Steve Hawkins of Huntington Beach.

You are invited to come to the free weekly Bible Study at Calvary Chapel of The Harbour (4121 Warner Avenue, Huntington Beach) in the Lower Gailee Room on Saturday Mornings from 8:30am to 10:00am. If you have any questions please call the church office at: (562) 592-1800.