The Halloween fun kicks off in Sunset Beach on Friday, Oct. 24, and Saturday nights with a fun event for the grownups that will help some kids in need.
Sunset Beach residents Robby and Chimene Armstrong’s annual Halloween Costume Ball to benefit Children Today will celebrate its seventh year at 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday at Nadine’s Irish Mist in Sunset Beach.
The event, which has become a fun tradition for many of the Armstrongs’ friends and fans of Robby Armstrong’s music and his band, has also raised thousands of dollars over the years for the couple’s favorite charity, Children Today.
The organization aids the children of homeless families in the Long Beach area and the Armstrongs say its mission remains close to their heart.
“We always see homeless people but we never think there could be a child in tow or in a bathroom hiding,” Robby said. “There are a lot of hard luck stories; especially these days when so many people live from paycheck to paycheck. It doesn’t take much for someone or a family to be pushed into the street.”
Chimene Armstrong grew up in the Long Beach area and got involved with Children Today at the prompting of her sister, actor Cameron Diaz, who was looking for a worthy charity cause.
“It is a great lesson for our children,” Chimene said. “It is actually one of our greatest pleasures. We put so much time and energy into our children and it is good to see them participate in (Children Today) events throughout the year. They learn to appreciate what they have and learn about giving back and caring about other people.”
Robby Armstrong said the work of Children Today strives to help break a cycle of life on the edge for homeless families and the children.
“For homeless kids and people in that situation, it is really easy to continue that and for kids to step into their adult life that way. It becomes a learned behavior sometimes,” he said. “If we don’t give them the tools early enough it become almost impossible not to fall into that path. So Children Today is trying to give them those tools and a background so they can learn to live life differently.”
In keeping with his pro-children theme, Armstrong recently produced his fist musical score for the children’s eBook, Samuel T. Moore of Corte Magore, which is now available on iTunes. The book teaches children about courage and tenacity, to stand up and fight for what they believe in.
Meanwhile, despite the hard work that goes into organizing the Halloween event, the Armstrongs said there is satisfaction in seeing many people having fun.
This year the event will be held at Nadine’s Irish Mist at 16655 E Pacific Coast Hwy, in Sunset Beach. The restaurant is providing a large tent for the festivities. Tickets are $25.
“It includes a buffet and we also have added casino tables and as always a great costume contest,” Chimene Armstrong said. “There will be a huge dance floor and lots of raffle prizes.”
It will feature live music and dancing to the Robby Armstrong Band.
He recently released a new self-titled album and his music will be heard as the backdrop to the soon to be released remake of the movie “Gambit.” It will co-star Diaz and Armstrong and his band will appear in the film.
For tickets contact Chimene Armstrong at wannarodeo3@aol.com or childrentoday.org.