Aunt Gertie loves Glory Days

Aunt Gertie and Jack Deaton (on left).

Aunt Gertie says, “I love dreamin’ about my glory days so Jack Deaton picked me up in his nifty little electric cart and we toodled on over to Glory Days Beachside Grill. I felt like I was a Queen with a fancy chauffeur, ready to step into a palace and relive some memories! Oh my! Jack told me about the three ladies over at the library flagging him down and wanting a ride to Hennesey’s. First he took them to his establishment and told them all about it and said he’d love to have them stop by some time. They never came back!! Double-dang!! Well, you can’t blame a guy for trying!!

I’ve been here on quite a few occasions but I was in for a surprise when Jack gave me a delightful tour. I was extremely impressed with the way the rock and wood on the walls looked so realistic. He explained how the décor represented different eras. Go see for yourself, it’s fabulous!Jack and his business partners, Dick Brown and Mitch Elder do lots of sponsorships for local teams and events like Women’s Tennis and Basketball and Run Seal Beach to name a few. They throw loads of parties and Aunt Gertie went there for Ray Longoria’s Birthday Celebration. It was a hoot!

Jack was raised in Long Beach and pitched for Jordan High School. He has two boys and two girls and he’s very proud of them. Stop by for a cool one and some delicious food and don’t forget to tell ‘em Aunt Gertie sent you!

Karen Hadley, creator of Aunt Gertie, can be reached by email at or