Last weekend, the College Park East Neighborhood Association held its annual Holiday Lights Contest. Many homes were beautifully decorated with some very creative designs, making it very difficult for the judges. Winners received a yard sign indicating their enhanced neighborhood status, and bragging rights for the coming year.
The 2023 winners are:
4165 Banyan Avenue
4260 Candleberry Avenue
4365 Elder Avenue
4625 Fir Avenue
3551 Heather Circle
3561 Sunflower Circle
3820 Violet Street
(See page 3 for more photos.)
Some other beautifully decorated homes are:
4252 Elder Avenue
4480 Elder Avenue
4617 Fir Avenue
4508 Guava Avenue
3801 Heather Street
4588 Hazelnut Avenue
4208 Ironwood Avenue
4433 Ironwood Avenue
4764 Ironwood Avenue
4625 Oleander Street
3590 Rose Circle
3621 Rose Circle
3580 Sunflower Circle
Please note: Some runners up may have won in the past two years making them ineligible to win this year, but certainly deserve to be mentioned. Be sure to drive through CPE with your children to see them all. There are many more beautiful homes that are not even mentioned here so be sure to drive around and see them all.