The 14th all-female, Turkey Breast Bowl kickball event, was held Sunday, Nov. 26.
Originally a flag football game, the event has evolved into a kickball event. The following is a summary of Sunday’s Turkey Breast Bowl. Team members were selected randomly.
The Kicking Queens took on the Dirtbag Divas for Game 1, and got off to a rough start with pop-up kicks to the infield- easy outs for the Divas. The Queens battled, but could not keep up with the Divas, who pounded in 4 runs to secure the win.
Game two had the Homerun Homos battling the Diamond Dames with some good action but no score for the Homos.
Local Seal Beach resident Chad Berlinghieri was an umpire, who made some tough calls including an out on the Diamond Vanessa for kicking out of the line-up order. This was the correct call, but was strongly contested by the Dames dugout. Berlinghieri took more heat from the ladies for the “3 pitches only” rule that caught some lookers off guard.
The final championship round brought both double-Ds together for a head-on competitive match. The Dames won the toss and came out kicking, scoring 2 runs in the first inning. The Divas delivered some solid hits and strong base-running, and almost scored in the bottom of the 5th when Kim Nutter got in a pickle rounding 3rd but was thrown out on the way home, securing a double play for the Dames. Local Seal beach resident Lisa Bassi took a time out to challenge the pinch runner rule when Terri Mettie asked for a quicker Dame to take her place. Umpires Brandon and Chad upheld the challenge, and explained that Mettie had to run to first base before a pinch runner was allowed. The Dames rotated pitchers, and had some outstanding defense from Julie Ciccarelli as rover and Amanda Dana at short stop, and Romana Diplasiu in rightfield. Jenn Gill from the Divas also had some nice catches in right field but unfortunately bounced a crucial catch off her chest.
The Diamond Dames scored 4 more runs with some well-thought out sacrifice RBIs, and took down the Dirtbags, 6-3.
It was a beautiful day for the 14th annual Turkey Breast Bowl last Sunday Nov. 26 at Zoeter Field in Seal Beach. SB resident and local musician Jennifer Corday started the women’s kickball tournament as a fun way to gather with friends on the Sunday after Thanksgiving, and she also adopts several turkeys every year. This year, $150 was donated and symbolically adopted four ambassador turkeys, Tutu, Lizzie, Thelma, and Arendelle. Farm Sanctuary uses the funds to help care for the birds rescued from slaughter and also to fight for the humane treatment of turkeys and other birds that, considered poultry, that are not protected under current laws. Visit FarmSantuary.org for more information on the great work they do for all animals.
After the games, a post-party celebration took place at Hennessey’s Tavern, where Corday performed live and a presentation of the trophy to the winning team was announced.