A tribute to retiring Seal Beach police captain, Tim Olson

Seal Beach police captain, Tim Olson, was honored at this week's city council meeting with a speech from Chief Joe Stilinovich and a box containing memorabilia collected during his career as a police officer. Photo by Sgt. Phil Gonshak.

Capt. Tim Olson has been a peace officer for the last 30 years.  He has served humbly and faithfully in Seal Beach for the last 28.  Being a police officer isn’t always easy, even in Mayberry by the Sea.  He has witnessed and protected us from events that he would like to forget, but never will.  He has also been part of the joy that is Seal Beach.  Think about the fun he has seen as he served 28 years of Fish Frys, Christmas Parades, St. Patrick’s Days, Fourth of Julys, Car Shows and 5K/10Ks.   He has worked in variety of capacities at the Police Department including: detectives, beach/bicycle patrol, swat, press information office, field training officer and countless other roles.  As Tim rose through the ranks, he never lost his heart of a patrolman and never forgot the community he served.  Below is an excerpt from his letter of resignation:

“It is the people who work and volunteer at the Seal Beach Police Department that make it so great.  It is because of their hard work and support that I have enjoyed over 28 years serving the citizens of Seal Beach.  I will never be able to express my gratitude to all those I have worked with who have touched my life and helped me throughout my career, so to everyone I say THANK YOU!  While I am looking forward to retirement, I will truly miss my colleagues from the Department and West-Comm and wish them well in the future.”

On any given day, anyone greeting Capt. Olson would always get the same response, “Just another day in paradise.”  This epitomizes what Seal Beach means to each and every person who works here.  Thank you Capt. Tim Olson for the sacrifices you have made, the lives you have changed for the better and all that you have given to our Mayberry by the Sea.