Opinion: Spotlight on Seal Beach District One

Ellery Deaton

Summer is here and Memorial Day is already behind us. Our Police Department was on the scene Memorial Day to be sure everyone had safe, legal fun.

I heard from many of you that our Police Department did a wonderful job of being visible and making sure that while everyone had a good time, those who would have used the holiday for mischief were stopped.

Here are some summer happenings you may be interested in:

Coffee at Javatini’s next Saturday

Next Saturday, June 15, I will be at Javatini’s from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to meet with the public. I’m hoping that by being there on Saturday more of you will be able to come. With me will be a College Intern, Noelle Enguidanos who is one of our own Seal Beach college students who, as a part of her studies, will be talking to residents and businesses to get your opinions about a number of interesting issues. Won’t you come and join us?

Main Street Lighting Project

The council unanimously voted to remove the existing, ineffective cobra headlights, and replace them with “old fashioned” double headed lights that are similar to our pier lights. The new lights will have a solid cap on them, which will prohibit light from shining up at the sky so they illuminate the sidewalk and the storefronts, but not the sky allowing us to limit the light pollution that keeps us from seeing the stars.

The lights are scheduled to be put in after Labor Day when the busy summertime is over. Main Street will now be safer to walk, more charming to visit and beautiful to look at.

The new lights will be both energy efficient and below the tree canopy making Main Street well lit while maintaining a dark sky. As we work toward being more “dark sky” aware, we will notice the stars reappearing.

 The Summer Concert Series

This year the Summer Concert Series will begin on July 10 at Eisenhower Park. Day care groups, sport camps and others have requested use of the park during the day; so please remember no reserving seats until 4 p.m. Last year everyone cooperated with the 4 p.m. reserve time and the concerts went off without a hitch. Putting chairs out after 4 p.m. will allow you to leave chairs and still get to Main Street for a picnic dinner before the concert. Thank you for your help again this year. See you there.

E-waste and Bulk Disposal Event

Do you have old electronics or a large, bulky item that needs to be properly disposed of? On July 27, Seal Beach will host an e-waste event at the end of Adolofo Lopez Drive.

Cell phone 911 call not going to dispatch center

Now that so many no longer have land line phones, it is very important to know that if you dial 911 from your cell phone you most likely will not be connected to our local Dispatch Center causing delays in service. In case of emergency, use a land line and dial 911, if possible. If it is not possible to use a land line, then you may call the Dispatch Center directly from your cell phone: 562) 594-7232. Please program this number into your cell phone for Seal Beach emergencies.

Pier Improvements

The City has begun pier improvements and the end of the pier is fenced off while these repairs are made. There are three projects in the Capital Improvement Program for the pier. Those projects are 1) Pier Decking, 2) Pier Utilities, & 3) Pier Structural Improvements. The City is also making health and safety repairs to the pier restaurant.

Ocean Avenue Alleys

The Ocean Avenue Alley continues having water and sewer mains rehabilitated. Construction on the first two blocks of the project is now complete.

The third block is now in construction. For more information, please call the project manager, Cesar Rangel at 432-2527, Ext. 1328 or click here to check out the information flyer on my website: http://www.ellerydeaton.com/ocean-avenue-alley-construction/

Ellery Deaton is the Seal Bach councilwoman for District 1 including Old Town and Surfside.