Letters to the Editor: Thursday, Aug. 15, 2013

Ticketing bicyclists

As an Old Town Seal Beach resident I will have to say I was very excited when I read the Police Department was going to start ticketing the bicyclists.

It is only a matter of time before we have a fatality right here on Ocean Avenue.

I have yet to see any enforcement on bicyclist obeying the law.

They are riding on the sidewalks, running stop signs, driving the wrong direction etc.

It is a real hazard to those who like to walk the sidewalks especially when one is riding towards you while texting.

This problem just seems to be getting worse.

Don Crowell

Seal Beach

In memory of George Segerstrom

One of the charter members of the SBPD’s Volunteers in Policing died July 31.

George Segerstrom contributed more than 18,000 hours to the city and the Police Department.

He was interred today (Aug. 9, 2013) out at the Riverside National Cemetary (Arlington West). George was a personal hero of mine: he served in WWII, the Korean War, and in Vietnam. He served in the U.S. Navy, the US Army, and the US Air Force!

His is a very unassuming personal story but one of incredible service to country and community.  He lived in Leisure World.

Jeff Kirkpatrick

Chief (retired), Seal Beach Police Department

Rossmoor’s parking problem

West Orange County has no sports parks!

Zero. Nada.  Not even one OC County Park of any kind, as a matter of fact.

Contrast that with the outstanding sports parks in North, South, and East Orange County and it’s easy to see why all our parks and fields suffer from congestion and over use.

Fortunately, we still have a fair amount of undeveloped open space, from Seal Beach’s Boeing land and Naval Weapons Depot to Los Al’s Base and land between the 605 and San Gabriel River to Cypress’ Race Track Property where the voters obviously want to preserve the current Public Use zoning.

It’s time for all our local governments, county, city, flood control, and school boards to work together to develop several large venues in West Orange County for both team sports and more relaxed parkland.

Will our legacy be adequate parks or even more pavement and congestion?

Dave Emerson

Los Alamitos

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