Crime Log Compiled by Charles M. Kelly
Monday, November 4
Transient—7:27 a.m.—Heather Street—The caller reported an individual who was apparently described as a transient sleeping on a bench next to the playground. Police unit 106 advised this individual to leave and he said he was leaving the area.
Disturbance—5:08 p.m.—Dogwood Avenue—The caller reported an apparent road rage incident. She said a driver cut her off, then she honked at him. He followed her home in his car and said she should not have shown him where he lived. The man had already left when she called the police. Log entry.
Suspicious Occupied Vehicle—6 p.m.—Sixth Street and Central—The caller said a car slowly circled the block twice. The caller was concerned because of a recent residential burglary.
Disturbance—9:52 p.m.—Montecito Road—The caller reported possible construction. She said she heard someone screwing something into the wall. Police unit 206 determined that neighbors were dealing with a plumbing issue and that they were finished. No further police services were necessary.
Tuesday, November 5
Hazard—10:01 a.m.—Pacific Coast Highway and San Gabriel River—The caller, relaying second-hand information from a bike rider, said the bike trail under the bridge was flooded, possibly from a water main break in the area. Referred to Public Works.
Smoke—3:51 p.m.—405 Freeway and Seal Beach Boulevard—The Orange County Fire Authority was en route to respond to a report of a large plume of black smoke that might be coming from the north side of Seal Beach Leisure World. The caller was driving to the area to get a precise location. Police unit M7 observed smoke that might have been coming from the area of the 405 Freeway and the 605 Freeway. However, the California Highway Patrol said the smoke was not coming from that area.
It turned out the smoke was coming from the Long Beach Fire Department training center.
Petty Theft—6:13 p.m.—Seventh Street—Between 8:30 p.m., Monday, Nov. 4 and 9 a.m., Tuesday, Nov. 5, someone reportedly stole a table and four chairs from the caller’s patio.
Wednesday, November 6
Battery Report—4:41 p.m.—Pacific Coast Highway—The caller, relaying second-hand information on behalf of the victim, said that an individual slapped the victim across the face two weeks earlier. The caller said the suspect had called the business and threatened the victim. Report taken.
Tuesday, October 29
Medical Aid—8:04 a.m.—Reagan Street—The caller said a woman was in active labor. Orange County Fire Authority en route. The caller said the baby was coming. Baby was born. Patrol assisted.
Burglary—11:09 a.m.—Howard Avenue—The caller reported approximately $10,000 in coins stolen from his home. The caller wanted documentation for insurance purposes. Patrol counseled.
Wednesday, October 30
Other Agency Assist—9:20 a.m.—Cherry Street—The caller said that the Orange County Fire Authority was in route for an 80-year-old woman who had been drinking alcohol all night. OCFA evaluated the woman, who refused medical treatment. The caller became upset because he could not get the help he wanted for her and he left the home.
Thursday, October 31
Family Disturbance—6:27 a.m.— Howard Avenue—The caller reported she didn’t want her husband there. No weapons involved. The caller hung up on dispatch. Verbal argument heard in kitchen. Husband left with some belongings for a few days. Patrol counseled.
Extra Patrol Check—11:49 a.m.—Bloomfield Street—The caller reported an individual who suffers from anxiety and schizophrenia made threats to staff and they are afraid he will return to the business. Patrol advised.
Monday, November 4
Citizen Assist—9:18 a.m.—Montecito Road— A truck that was parked on Brimhall was blocking the caller’s plumbers’ access to the main drain. Also, it was street sweeping day and the truck was still on the street.
Vandalism Report—1:43 p.m.—Montecito Road.
Vandalism Report—4:19 p.m.—Donovan Road.
Petty Theft Report—6:37 p.m.—Wallingsford Road—Loss: a bicycle.
Tuesday, November 5
Suspicious Person or Circumstances—11:53 a.m.—Kensington Road— A neighbor saw someone enter a backyard.
Thursday, November 7
Burglary Report—7 a.m.— Oak Way Drive—A law enforcement agency had a suspect in custody for a vehicle burglary who reportedly had some of the victim’s property.
Burglary Report—12:55 p.m.—Walker Lee Drive—The log did not say if this was an automobile or residential burglary.
Vandalism Report—9:24 a.m.—Wembley Road.
Friday, November 8
Suspicious Person or Circumstances—9:42 a.m.—Baskerville Road—A man who was slowly walking through the neighborhood just came to the caller’s door.
Lost Property—10:23 a.m.—Mainway Drive—Lost: an iPhone.
Suspicious Person or Circumstances—3:28 p.m.—St. Albans Drive.
Keep the Peace—4:17 p.m.—Engel Drive.
Saturday, November 9
Suspicious Person or Circumstances—5:28 a.m.—Harrisburg Road.
Petty Theft Report—8:33 a.m.—St. Albans Drive.
Grand Theft Report—11:16 a.m.—Chianti Drive.
Grand Theft Report—11:19 a.m.—Salmon Drive.
Grand Theft Report—3:44 p.m.—Tucker Lane.
Shots Heard—3:57 p.m.—No suspect information—Kensington Road.
Suspicious Person in Vehicle—6:29 p.m.—St. Albans Drive.
Suspicious Person or Circumstances—6:54 p.m.—Martha Ann Drive.
Sunday, November 10
Suspicious Person or Circumstances—2:10 p.m.—Mainway Drive and Foster Road.
Ted Apodaca of the News-Enterprise contributed to this article.