Letters to the Editor: Thursday, March 27, 2014


I am very saddened at just learning of the passing of Nancy Grgas.  I knew both Nancy and her husband, Victor, through their involvement with our city and related programs, one being the Seal Beach Kids Baseball Association during the 1980s.  I feel saddened for Victor and his family during this time, but I wanted them to know that through Nancy’s and many others’ efforts, the “kids” of Seal Beach benefited greatly.  Thank you for all you have done Nancy and Victor for the City of Seal Beach!

John Stillwell

Seal Beach

No restroom at Marina Park

There is a lack of restrooms at the Marina Park in Seal Beach. There is none. The community center has a sign on the door that is locked most of the time stating, “not a public restroom” during most days. The park at First and Marina has “tennis courts,” “handball courts,” basketball courts,” lunch tables, etc. … including handicapped parking, but no restroom! It has night lights, too … but no restroom. What to do?

Emergency, got to go. But where? Ah, the dirt lot out back, or better yet the bushes. The fence line where the tractor is parked next to the asphalt pile? Or do we stop everything and go to Taco Bell?  Can we make it in time? Handicap? Tough!

Night basketball … under cover of darkness! Anyway, the pet owners seem to let their pets urinate and defecate just about anywhere (can’t stop that) seems to be acceptable. They don’t risk getting a ticket. A fine. A visible sign stating public restroom this direction and open to the public would be nice.

Or do we bring our own bottle to urinate in? Bladder problem? Getting old? Kidneys on delay hold? Liver trouble? Did not plan ahead. Point made…thanks.

Kevin Fitzgerald, 55 year resident of Seal Beach.

Tennis player, basketball fanatic, and surfer

E-cigarette problems

E-cigarette devices can be used to smoke highly concentrated THC, the active ingredient in marijuana.

The devices are a growing concern due to young people using them on school campuses.  According to Sgt. Pixomatis of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, e-cigarette devices may become the new paraphernalia to abuse other drugs as well.

The Community Programs and Services Division of the Orange County Sheriff’s Department will host a free informational presentation about electronic cigarettes on Thursday, March 27 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Rush Park Auditorium, 30021 Blume Dr. in Rossmoor.

This is one of several drug education presentations being given throughout the county to communities and parents with the latest information regarding electronic cigarettes/vapor pens.  Several of these devices will be on display.  The presentation topics include various types of e-cigarettes and how they work, prevalence in schools and community, dangers in using these types of devices, health concerns, prevention tips, and law enforcement’s approach. The presentation is open to the public and will be given by Drug Liaison deputies, professional staff from the Orange County Health Care Agency, and the Orange County Department of Education.  A physician will be one of several speakers.

For further information contact Sgt. Mike Pixomatis at (714) 647-1806 or email at mpiximatis@ocsd.org.

Dorothy Fitzgerald

Seal Beach

War on our Constitution

Last Thursday, the 405-605 Tea Party Patriots hosted a lecture by Robert Tyler, Esq. who spoke on “What is Happening in Our Schools?”  and the agenda of Common Core.

Mr. Tyler founded Advocates for Faith and Freedom, a non-profit law firm dedicated to protecting our religious liberty in the courts. AFAF accepts cases of discrimination in classrooms.

Children have freedom of speech in the First Amendment and Common Core is a war on the Constitution and the values of marriage, traditional values and religion are being redefined.

There is a sexual revolution in California. AB1266 even allow for males dressed as females and females dressed as males to share locker rooms, bathrooms, showers and sports.

AB1266 is currently being reviewed by recounting eligible signatures on the petition to have the law reversed.

Along with Mr. Tyler, Congressional candidate Andy Whallon presented his political agenda. Support the Constitution, a moral imperative to repeal Obamacare, cut spending, maintain a military for OUR defense, allow choice of private or public schools, build a high fence with no door, no welfare, and uphold the Second Amendment.

His battle cry? Uninstall Lowenthal.

The next meeting will be in Rush Park Auditorium in Rossmoor on tax day, April 15.

The speaker will be Charles Johnson who will be speaking on “The Truth About the IRS.”

Thank you,

Colleen Lanigan Ambrose

405-605 Tea Party Patriots correspondence secretary

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